Chuunin Exams Part 2: Forest of Death Finale

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Miyu's pov.

Its been about three hours since I was let in the forest of death. I found a team a little while ago, we fought. They had another earth scroll. Which I did keep just in case of an emergency.

Keeping to the trees, I roamed over a team. They were from the Hidden Grass. The long haired one met my eyes, narrowing them. A grin swept over her lips.


"You go on ahead. I'll take care of our little... intruder." She said, her eyes never leaving mine. Her team mates nodded and rushed in different directions. "Very good. I almost didn't notice you." I let myself fall from the branch, landing on my feet. "Nearly perfect."

"....." I said nothing, just slipped a kunai into my hand got into a fighting stance.

"The silent type, huh?" She chuckled. I glared. "Tell me. How does it feel to always be left behind by your brothers?" My eyes widened.

"You will never be good enough." She flashed behind me, grabbing a fistful of my hair. "Your just a girl." I could feel tears stinging my eyes. "A girl with no talent. I should do you a favor and end your life right here." I felt the cold blade of a kunai against my throat. "But I'll need you for later."

Just as the grass nin was about to hit my pressure point in my neck, swiped my leg under her, forcing her to jump away from me.

"Shut up. You don't know anything!" I snapped, holding up my kunai. Lunging at the nin, I flashed behind her and stabbed her side, making sure to get in deep before jumping away.

"Y-Your fast." She grunted in pain. I narrowed my eyes. "But not fast enough little girl.

Damn it...

The grass nins hand wrapped around my neck and a scalding hot liquid ran down my throat. I screamed in pain as my body went limp.

I can't move...

"S-Sas-Sasuke..." I whispered. "N-Naru-Naruto..." My vision blurred as the grass ninja let my body drop to the forest floor.  "I'm sorry..."

My breathing evened and my consciousness left me, letting the darkness surrounded me.

3rd pov. With Team 7 (Minus Miyu)

"Now, dear Sasuke. Don't be like that." Sasuke glared at the 'grass nin'. "I have a little something for you."

Sakura and Naruto both watched carefully as the nin took out a necklace. One that Sasuke clearly recognized.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" He screamed, his mind going into a daze at the sight of his sisters locket. The grass nin smirked.

"Ahh, you mean that girl." The nin snickered. "I simply payed her a visit, and left her with a little present."

"Sasuke? What's going on?" Sakura asked.

"That's Miyu's necklace." He ground out, lunging at the nin. "I'll kill you!"

~~~~~~~~~ Some place in the Forest of Death~~~~~~~~~

"Oh my." Lugging the small body over his shoulder, the medical nin sighed before going to find his team.

*****Time skip Last day~ At the Tower~~~

Sasuke pov.


I sighed, as we approached the tower. The first day of the second exam I had gotten her locket back. I almost expected her to turn up fine, but extremely angry that someone had gotten close enough to take it.

But she never did.

And now I'm worrying.

"Kabuto. Where were you?" Two of Kabuto's team mates came from the forest, the short one, with a body iver his shoulder.

"I got a little side tracked. Sorry." Kabuto must have noticed where my eyes had wondered. "What have you got there?" Kabuto took the body bridal style in his arms.

My eyes widened.

"I-Is that?!" Naruto stuttered out. I grit my teeth as Kabuto handed her to me. "Miyu...." Her body was limp, her eyes closed and her breathing slightly labored. It was like she was dead. But not dead.

"Miyu." I narrowed my eyes and went inside the tower, sitting and cradling my younger twin in my lap. I let Sakura and Naruto figure out the scrolls while I stared at Miyu. She's paler that normal.

"Huh?" Just barely sparing the others a glance, I flinched a little when Miyu was taken from my arms by Kakashi. Iruka was there to explain the final exam to us, but when he seen Miyu, he called for help.

I'm a horrible brother. I can't believe I didn't put up a bigger fight about the exams.

I had a feeling something would happen to her.

Ayame: Yes! Yes! I know! Its sucks! Its confusing! I was gonna leave it after the 3rd pov! But I couldn't!

Kitty: Its not bad, Aya-chan.

Ayame: I-Its not? *anime cries*

Kitty: Nah Anyway, Aya-chan doesn't own Naruto.

Ayame: TT-TT  I-I H-Hope yo-you like it... it was hard to figure out how to write this.

Kitty: Its fine Aya-chan

Ayame: Ima start working on the next chapter now *Pulls out phone*

Kitty: *sighs* Comment Vote and uh... Eat Ramen! Ja ne~

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