Tree Climbing. Left Out

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Miyu's pov.

"Mn.." My eyes flew open, darting around. How did I get into this room? I leaned up onto my elbows, hissing in pain as spark shot from my wound, around my stomach and down a little bit of my legs.

"Your awake." My head jerked in the direction of the unfamiliar voice. There stood a dark haired woman, holding a bowl of what I assumed was water. "That's a relief. Everyone was so worried about you, dear."

I went to sit up fully but was stopped my pain, which made me cry out. Biting my lip, I took a deep breath trying to ease the pain.

"Oh, be careful. You haven't fully healed yet." The woman came and sat on her knees by my futon bed. "I'm Tsunami by the way."

"Where am I?" I asked in between breaths. Tsunami smiled and slipped her hand under my back, as she helped me sit up slowly, not causing much pain.

"This is our house. I'm Tazuna's daughter. Your team is downstairs, their very worried. You've been asleep for four days." Tsunami laughed a bit as she began unwrapping the bandages on my stomach.

"Are they.. alright?"

Tsunami nodded her head as she applied an ointment on my wound. It hurt like hell and was really cold. "Their fine. Kakashi is on crutches, he sprained his ankle."

"Oh. I see." As Tsunami finished re wrapping the bandages, she placed her hand on my forehead.

"That's good. Your fever is gone." Tsunami sighed. "Do you mind if they come see you?"

"Their already in here so what's the point." I raised an eyebrow at the door. "Can I have my shirt, please?" Tsunami nodded. She was about to hand me my shirt but I realized that a tight shirt like that wouldn't be easy on my wound which still hurt. "Wait. Sasuke!"

Tsunami jumped as Sasuke came into the room, not caring that the only thing I was wearing was a bra and bandages. Without a word he went to his bag and pulled out one of his blue high collared shirts.

"Um.." Tsunami just sat there awkwardly as Sasuke knelt beside me and ever so carefully slipped the shirt over my body.

"Decent." I called out. As everyone piled in, trying not to hurt me with hugs, Tsunami just sat there, still probably trying to comprehend Sasuke and I's relationship.

"How are you feeling, Miyu?" Sensei stayed standing, leaning on his crutches.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "A little better. But it still hurts." I'm not going to tell him I feel like crap. I can barely move without pain radiating through my body.

From the corner of my eye, I seen Sasuke raising an eyebrow. He knew. And yet he didn't say anything, just shifted so he sat behind me and pulled me down gently, so I was leaning against him instead of straining myself.

Sensei also looked like he didn't believe it.

"Are you sure you alright, Miyu?" Sakura finally spoke. I hadn't even noticed she was here. And she looked like she was holding herself back. Probably trying not to yell at me.

"I'm fine." I glanced at sensei. "What happened?" He sighed and explained that as he was about to finish Zabuza off, a hunter nin from Kirigakure came and took his body away after hitting a point in his neck with two senbon. "He's not dead is he." A statement, not a question.

"I'm afraid not. And now we can go on with some training to get you guys ready for the next attack." Sensei sighed. "But, Miyu, will stay here."

"Not happening. I should be healed in no time. I'm coming with, even if I need to sit out." I argued, glaring the infamous Uchiha glare.

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