Thats Not Possible!

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Miyu's pov.

I sighed, raising my hand and touch the cold glass of the window. Just as my fingers made contact, warm arms wrapped around my waist, and a chin rested on my shoulder to my left.

"I hate this place.." I whispered, sadly watching people pass by without a care in the world.

"I know, love. Just a little longer." Naruto sighed, arms tightening. "A little longer and you'll be home. Your temperature just needs to lower a little more." 

Its been two weeks since Naruto brought Tsunade back to be the Hokage. Since then, I've been stuck in the hospital, while Team 7 goes out on missions.

"I know." I let my hand drop as I turned into Naruto's embrace. "I'm just so sick of being stuck here." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I feel fine. I could be going on missio-" Naruto cut me off with sharp pointed look that said, 'yeah right!'

I pursed my lips into a pout. "Don't make that face, love." Naruto groaned, trying to avert his eyes, but those gorgeous blues just kept coming back.

A second later, Naruto captured my lips, pulling me into a heated kiss. His hands moved to my hips, going further down and grasping my bottom, lifting me up. My legs wrapped around his waist and I felt him moving. I gasped when I was tossed on the hospital bed.

"Hey!" I sat up on my elbows, glaring at my smirking boyfriend.

"You really shouldn't make that face, sweetheart." I could hear Kurama's voice mixed with his. Naruto pulled the blanket up over my legs, and kissed my forehead. "Get some rest."

Handing me a cup that Tsunade had filled with gross medicine. "Do I have to?" I asked, eyeing the cup warily. The liquid was a deep purple that looked very poisonous. If I look closely enough.... I swear to kami, I think it moved on it own... 0_0

"Grama Tsunade said it'll help you get outa here quicker." Naruto said, staring down into the cup with a look of badly hidden disgust. "It looks..." Naruto stopped himself from saying the words out loud, so I helped.

"Disgusting? Gross? Deadly? Choose your poison!" I giggled, but my eyes widened and I slapped my hands over my mouth as it turned into a coughing fit.

Naruto was quick in his actions, taking the cup and rubbing my back as I coughed.

"You jinxed yourself," he chuckled lightly. "Now come on, take your medicine." He coaxed as my coughing fit slowed to a stop. I glared at my boyfriend.

"Shut up," I mumbled, snatching the cup back. I took a deep breath and let it out. "Bottoms up." I said before plugging my nose and downing the entire cup.

When it was all gone, my eyes widened and I dropped the cup, once again clamping my hands over my mouth. But it was for a different reason this time.

Trying not to spit the foul, thick liquid out or throw up, my legs started kicking as I fought to swallow.

Naruto was watching was a sweat drop, obviously not sure if he should try to help or not.

"Gah!" I gagged as I finally swallowed. "That.. was the foulest thing I've ever tasted..." I stated, swallowing the bile that tried to surface as I fell back on the bed.

Naruto chuckled, hands planting themselves on either side of my head. "I have to go now, love."

My arms wound around his neck. "I don't want you to go.." I whispered.

"Trust me, my love, I don't want to go. But, I have to go report my mission to grama Tsunade." He sighed, resting his forehead against mine. "If I don't go now, she'll go crazy." I let out my own sigh, lifting my head and pressing my lips to his.

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