The Rasengan

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Miyu's pov.

Slowly, my eyes drifted open, meeting with a pair of cerulean blues that, I'm sure, had been watching me for awhile. I could feel fingers running through my hair, and an arm draped lazily around my waist.

Naruto grinned. "I thought you'd sleep a little longer," he mused, tightening his hold around my waist and pulling me even closer, just about every inch of our bodies touching. I let out a yawn and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Your face is adorable when your asleep."

"You were watching me?" My voice was small as I spoke, making me sound like a little child. Naruto's grin dimmed into a smirk, one that had an underlined meaning to it. But he definitely didn't deny it. "I don't even remember falling asleep." I muttered as I began sitting up.

Naruto chuckled, sitting up as well, and wrapping his arms around my waist. "You only slept for maybe an hour."

"We should probably go find Jiraiya then." I said, staring out over the small town. Naruto let out a whine mixed with a groan, his head dropping to my shoulder. My hand raised, and my fingers tangled themselves in my blondes hair.

"As excited as I am for this jutsu, Id rather stay right here." He muttered, shifting, and pressing his lips to my neck. I shivered at the touch and tugged at his hair gently.

"To bad, besides, we did come along to help look for Lady Tsunade too." I reminded him. Naruto sighed and pulled away completely, standing, and then holding out his hands for me. I placed my hands in his and let him pull me to my feet.

But instead of stopping there, he tugged harder, resulting in me being thrown into his waiting arms. Pursing my lips, I stared at him.

"What?" Naruto asked innocently, his arms tightening around me as he grinned. But then his grin widened and his eyes darkened.

"Hm?" I let out the small noise just before Naruto planted his lips on mine. My face turned red, and my eyes slid closed as his tongue darted across my lower lip. I didn't answer and just pulled away.

"That's not fair, Miyu." Naruto pouted, almost glaring at me. Almost.

"Is to," I laughed and slid from his arms, only taking his hand and pulling him with me. "Let's go find that old perv, preferably before he does something stupid."

"Fine." Naruto grumbled and reluctantly allowed himself to be pulled along.


"Where is he?!" Naruto shouted, very annoyed. I sighed, watching as he glared at the shops. Looping my right arm through his left, I grasped his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers.

Naruto's gaze snapped to me, his eyes softening, and he smiled. "We'll find him." I murmured in his ear.

Laughter erupted from inside a shop, making both Naruto and I freeze. My gaze met Naruto's and we turned, seeing the very man we had spent a little over two hours looking for, in a small shop accompanied by two women and a bottle of sake.

We turned and stepped inside. Naruto glared at Jiraiya while I just stood there, eyeing the two women.

"My wallet!" Naruto burst out. My gaze slid to my blonde and I blanched as he cradled the empty frog wallet. "Poor thing."

"This is ridiculous," I stated and turned to leave. "Naruto, I'm going to the inn." I took a step and was blocked by a large man in a pure white coat. And since he magically appeared in front of me, I ended up walking right into him, sending myself falling to my butt. "Ow. . ." I glared up at the man, not paying any attention to his 'assistant' who was yelling at me. "Oi! Watch where your going, buddy." I snapped.

The assistant literally looked like he was going to pee his pants when the guy titled his head down to, I assume, look at me. His eyes were covered by sunglasses.

Getting up, I narrowed my eyes on the man, only to be interrupted by the assistant. He shoved himself between the man and I, glaring down at me before his hand fisted in my tank top.

"What the hell?!" Naruto yelled, beginning to take a step when Jiraiya stopped him.

The assistant got in my face, and I wiped all emotion. His eyes narrowed.

Slowly, I brought my fist up and back, before punching the guy in the face, only pulling back when I heard a satisfying crack as his nose broke.

I smiled innocently a split second later, lacing venom with my next words. "Don't touch me."

The other guy began advancing toward me and Jiraiya stepped in front of me while Naruto pulled me back. The old man gathered chakra in his right hand, swirling it, then shoving it into the guys stomach.

He was spun at a crazy speed and thrown back into a small ball stand. "Wow," Naruto breathed. I nodded in agreement. "What was that?"

A few seconds later, the men were gone and Jiraiya had a bag of balls. . . .  Hehe. . .

I blinked as we 'magically' appeared in the surrounding forest. "I'm so lost. . . " I sighed. Pretty sure we walked and I just wasn't paying attention.

"Okay, Naruto." Jiraiya set the bag down and pulled out. . .  A water balloon.

I turned and went to a tree, sitting beneath it. Letting out a yawn, I toppled over onto my side, zoning the other two out as I closed my eyes.

Time for a nap ^-^

Ayame: Oh mai gursh!

Kitty: Weirdo. . . .

Kakashi: *reading icha icha*

Ayame: KAKA-BAKA! *glomps Kakashi*

Kitty: geez. . . .  Anyway Aya-chan does not own Naruto. And the pic is about what Miyu looks like in modern clothes =^_^=

Kakashi: Comment Vote and Eat Ramen

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