Pervy Sage.... 0_0

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Miyu's pov.

Naruto found the house and slipped inside. Coincidentally, the window he went in was the one to my room. Setting me to my feet, Naruto started looking around.

"This is your room?" Naruto picked up a picture frame. I stepped beside him.

"Yeah." He was holding the picture of Itachi, Sasuke and I. Back when Sasuke and I were 5. I turned away and opened my closet door.

"Whose he?" I bit my lip, as I took a deep breath.

"He's our older brother." I whispered as tears stung my eyes, my fingers tightening around the shirt I held. Warm arms wrapped around my waist. I turned, dropping the shirt and hugging Naruto.

"Its ok." He whispered in my ear, making me shiver. His fingers began running through my hair, as his arm around my waist tightened. I sighed.


"Hm?" My fingers gripped his orange jacket.

"A-Are know?" I felt my face heat up. Naruto pulled back, the only contact he kept was his hands on my hips.

"Are we what, Miyu?" I could hear the teasing in his voice. My face flushed even further and I lowered my head so that my hair covered my blush.

"A-Are w-we... together?" I squeaked out. Naruto chuckled.

"Look at me, Miyu." I denied, feeling my heart beating faster. My chin was lifted by Naruto's warm hand and lips crashed onto mine. I gasped, and Naruto slipped his tongue into my mouth, exploring every inch. "Your mine now. Do you really think I'll let you go?"

Naruto leaned in, kissing me again. My arms wrapped themselves around Naruto's neck as his tongue tangled with mine, his hands bringing me closer.

"Miyu? Are you home? The nurses at the hospital said you left suddenly." I pulled away, turning to get my clothes, just as Sasuke walked into my room. I knew my face was flushed, and obviously Sasuke was pretty weirded out.

"What were you doing to my sister, dobe?" Sasuke narrowed his eyes at Naruto who was grinning.

"Nothing, teme." Naruto pecked my cheeks and left my room after Sasuke sent some sort of weird signal I hadn't noticed. Sasuke raised an eyebrow before he shut the door, allowing me some privacy to get dressed.

I quickly stripped off the hospital clothes and put on my own. I settled with my usual dark blue tank top, and a black version of my usual white skort. I pulled on some black fingerless gloves and opened the door to my room, heading for the bathroom.

Once inside, I pulled my brush through my hair, letting it flow down my back like always.

Once I was done, I smiled and rushed to the living room where Sasuke was giving Naruto a good talking to.

"You hurt her, I will kill you." Sasuke glared at Naruto.

"I'm not going to hurt her." I bit my lip as I stood in the doorway. "I swear, teme."

"You better not." Sasuke's eyes drifted my way. They softened for a minute before he turned back to glare at Naruto.

"I'm done." I said, walking into the living room and wrapping my arms around my twin. "I'll be fine, Onii-san." Sasuke's arms automatically encased me in a hug. "Don't you have training with sensei?"

"Fine." Pressing his lips to my cheek, very discreetly, might I add, Sasuke turned toward the door, slipping on his shoes and leaving.

"So are you going to train?" I asked as Naruto made his way to me, and wrapping his left arm around my waist, leading me to the door.

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