The Final Chapter

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The single voice shook the office as hands were slammed down on a desk.

Every person in the room flinched. Kotetsu Hagane, Izumo Kamizuki, Sakura Haruno, and poor Shizune, assistant to Lady Hokage.

"I-Im sorry, ma'am!" Shizune bowed profusely, appologising. "But her bed was found empty this morning."

"And what of Sasuke Uchiha?" The blonde woman narrowed her eyes, making her intense irritation very clear.

"I found him leaving the village last night." Sakura spoke up, flinching the slightest bit when Tsunade's eyes landed on her. "I tired everything to make him stay!"

Tsunade growled, raising her fist and slamming it down on the poor defenseless desk. "He won't be happy..." she muttered to herself, her mind mostly going to the villages tailed beast, as well as his container.

Quickly writing down a list, she threw it at Shizune. "I want all these people in my office. NOW!" The small woman shrieked and hurriedly left the room. "Go." She dismissed the other three, slumping down in her chair, eyes narrowed on a random spot on her desk.

The three scrambled to the door.

She was very aware what kind of trouble this would cause the village. The kyubi could go ballistic.

Yes, she was well aware what position the Uchiha princess was held to the beast. Jiraiya had warned her. It had flown in one ear and mouth the other at first. But when she seen how distraught the blonde child had been when they first met, hardly paying attention to anything, and always muttering something under his breath, she realized it was true.

"Damn it.." Tsunade cursed when the door to her office slammed open, revealing the very blonde she had been thinking of. "Naruto." She greeted shortly.

"What's going on?" He asked, frowning. Tsunade sighed, beginning to explain.


Tsunade could feel the anger rolling off Naruto in waves as she finally finished speaking.

"Naruto.." Tsunade tried to speak but was cut off.

"Don't.. I'm going after her.." a deep voice growled. Tsunade's eyes widened when the blondes head lifted, eyes opening to  one red eye and one blue eye. "I'll get them back... I'll bring her back.." he snapped.

A half take over... she had never seen nor heard of such a thing. And yet, it was happening right there in front of her eyes.

"Calm down." She said, eyebrows furrowed.

One question was on her mind.

How the hell was she going to handle this?


Kitty: The sequel is called hearts Bound. This is the Final Chapter to Heart Made Of Glass. Thanks for reading! Aya-chan and I really hope you read the sequel! >:3

Ayame: Unfortunately, I don't own Naruto :(

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Sequel to Heart Made Of Glass; Heart Bound is Now Posted.

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