Zabuza Momochi... Demon of the Mist

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Miyu's pov.

About an hour later and I'm still riding piggy back on Sasuke. My legs have regained feeling and I can move them again... actually... I was able to move them a little while ago, but my brother being.. my brother.. He refused to let me down. Said something about regaining strength?

Oh well.

We finally came to a little dock area, where a small boatman was waiting for us. Tazuna seemed to know him on a personal level to. Sasuke stepped into the boat after sensei and set me down before settling beside me himself.

As soon as everyone sat down the boatman began rowing us. And it wasn't long after talking that Naruto began yelling.

"Wow! That's one big bridge!" Naruto shouted and pointed.

"Shhh! Don't shout! Why do you think I cut the motor off?!" The man yelled at Naruto.

"What an idiot.." I whispered to Sasuke who agreed with a nod of his head and a slight smirk. Sakura turned her head, staring at us with a weird look him her eyes. It seemed almost as if she was envious of the bond between Sasuke and I.

"Alright, it seems as though we made it through alright."

The boat was docked and we climbed out. Sasuke stayed close to me, keeping a good eye on me. As Tazuna said goodbye, Kakashi-sensei gave me a good once over and made sure I was alright. Which I am now. The shock and slight fear is gone.

"Alright. Let's get going." Sensei announced, and like that we began moving again. And everything was fine until Naruto decided to spaz and start throwing kunai into random bushes.

"Over there!"

"Naruto, knock it off! Your scaring me!" Sakura went over and slammed her fist into his head.

"Naruto, those kunai aren't a toy." Sensei scolded as he followed Sakura and Naruto to where the kunai hit. It pierced the tree trunk just above  snow rabbits head.

"Naruto! Look the poor things terrified!" Sakura threw the bunny at Naruto who squeezed it to death, muttering 'I'm sorries'.

"GET DOWN!" Kakashi-sensei yelled, pushing Tazuna down, while Sasuke pushed me down, just missing getting cut by a giant sword that flew past and lodged itself into the tree behind us.

As we stood our attention turned to a large man standing on the sword. Kakashi-sensei stood and narrowed his visible eye on the man.

"Zabuza Momochi." He ground out. I stood with the help of Sasuke.

"Kakashi Hatake the Copy Cat. Hand over the old man." Zabuza glared at sensei.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Sensei answered, getting into a battle stance. "Manji formation! I taught you teamwork now its time to use it."

We surrounded Tazuna, Sasuke on my right and Naruto on my left. Zabuza let out a deep chuckle as he threw himself from the tree, taking his sword with him, onto the water, where he stood making hand signs.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu!" He called, and as those words left his mouth, a heavy mist rolled over the land. I couldn't see anything except Sasuke and Naruto who were close by me.

And the blood lust that he had emanating from him. So powerful. I looked to my right, and shot my hand out, pushing Sasuke's down. He had positioned a kunai, ready to kill, at his throat.

"Sasuke. Don't worry, I'll protect you all with my life." Sensei said before he disappeared into the mist.


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