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Miyu's pov.

"Its been a long time, Sasuke."

I let out a gasp, turning at the voice. There Sasuke stood at the end of the hallway, ready and in a fighting stance. My twins gaze drifted my way, eyes narrowing as they drifted past me to Itachi.

"Itachi....Uchiha..." Sasuke's eyes settled into a glare at our older brother.

"Huh? Hey, Itachi, its another kid who looks like you." Kisame commented, staring between the three of us.

"He is my younger brother." Itachi answered. Kisame stared between Sasuke and I.

"I see now." Kisame grinned. I swear, my eyes were big and round like dinner plates, seeing Sasuke glaring at Itachi, and Itachi just staring back with indifference.

"Today..... today is the day you die..!" Sasuke growled. If possible, my eyes widened further.


"Quiet, Miyu." Sasuke snapped. I froze, my body shaking in fear. Turning back to Itachi, who was watching the display, Sasuke glared. "It is as you said, brother. I have harboured my hatred for you." He exclaimed. "Today I will enact my revenge!" Sasuke made Chidori, only a mild surprise for me, and started after Itachi.

Our older brother took hold of my arm and swung me out of the way, seeing as I was in front of him. I let out a small scream as I was tossed into a body, arms wrapping around me, keeping me from falling to the floor. "Miyu!"

"Sasuke! Stop! Please!" I cried, starting toward my brothers, only to be held back by Naruto. I fought, trying to get away. "No! Stop!" I kicked and struggled, but Naruto didn't let me go.

I stopped as I heard Sasuke scream in pain. "St-Stop." I let out a pathetic whimper, my body slumping against Naruto. I never knew he was that strong, to be able to keep me held down while I was thrashing around.

I squeezed my eyes shut, listening to the fight between my brothers. As my eyes opened, Sasuke slumped to the ground, eyes closed. "Sasuke!" I caught Naruto off guard and bolted to my brother, dropping to my knees beside him. My hands glowed green and I began healing his arm as much as I could.

Our older brother turned, eyes briefly stopping on me before he turned to fully face Jiraiya and Naruto.

"What is it the Akatsuki are after?" Jiraiya asked, eyes narrowed. Words were shared and I was pushed back as Sasuke bolted up to attack Itachi.

"Sasuke!" I stood, covering my mouth with my hands when Itachi punched Sasuke in the stomach and lifted him by his neck.

"You don't have enough hate." Itachi began to lean in close. "And you know something? You never will." His eyes spun and Sasuke's eyes widened.

"No!" My legs collapsed beneath me, and Sasuke cried out in pain, just before Itachi turned, eyes scanning me.

My whole body was shaking. I didn't want this. Why? Why does it have to be this way? I felt tears stinging my eyes. Why?

I felt myself being caught in something mushy and I gasped, seeing pink flesh surrounding the hall. Jiraiya got up and started running after Itachi and Kisame. I missed most of what happened, but I could care less. I quickly caught Sasuke, as he was being let go of the flesh. Gross... I layed his head in my lap.

My hands glowed green and I tried to heal him, placing my hand over his forehead. "Please, Sasuke." I quietly begged. "Please wake up." My tears fell, a few dropping onto Sasuke's cheeks. "Sasuke..." My shoulders shook, as I tried to contain the sob that threatened to escape.

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