Fuzzy and Dreams

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Miyu's pov.

After the incident with the giant toad, Naruto passed out from lack of chakra. The days have gone so quickly, I hadn't even realized that the final exam in tomorrow. Naruto's been out for the last three days and I'm a little worried he won't wake up in time for the exams tomorrow.

I let out a sigh, eyeing the snoring blonde. I've been training non stop since he fell asleep, and I've been feeling ill. My mind has been muddled and I can't think straight especially with the answer Jiraiya gave me.

Me. The mate to the nine tailed demon fox. The same one who attacked the village twelve years ago.

I don't even understand how its possible. But I guess it is. That explains the dreams, and the voice in my head. It explains everything.

The door slid open to the room. I turned, glancing at the new visitor. "Hey, hes still asleep?" I nodded. Shikamaru let out a sigh as he plopped down into a chair, just as I stood, saying nothing. "Hey, you ok? You don't look so good."

I didn't make eye contact with Shikamaru as I slid the door open and stepped out, closing it behind me. I need to see Sasuke, I thought as I made my way out of the hospital, and running the the area Sasuke told me he would be training.


I stopped, feeling senseis chakra as well as Sasuke's. I stepped into view, keeping all emotion from showing.

"Miyu, what are you doing here?" Sensei asked,not bothering to peak up from his book. Sasuke stopped, Chidori fresh in his hand as his identical eyes slid my way. He frowned, not noticeable enough for anyone but me.

"Nothing." I muttered, as I slowly stepped toward my twin. Sasuke raised an eyebrow, his way of asking what was wrong. I bit my lip, looking away. I heard Sasuke approach me.

"I'm taking break." My twin announced, dispersing his Chidori and taking hold of my hand.

"That's fine. Don't be to long." Sensei called out as Sasuke went behind a rock, turning me to face him, and taking hold of my chin not allowing me to look away.

"What's wrong." I closed my eyes tight, as he demanded an answer. Sighing, I simply wrapped my arms around my brother. "You feel warm." He whispered as his lips pressed against my forehead, his own arms coming around me.

"My head hurts." I whispered back, letting myself relax. It was true, my head I pounding with a headache.

"Do you feel sick?" I shook my head. Sasuke sighed, and I opened my eyes. "Are you sure? You haven't had a fever in awhile. Its unusual."

"I'm sure. I'm just tired." A yawn escaped as if to prove my point. My mind feels foggy.

"Miyu, your face is completely red." Sasuke frowned. He pressed his forehead against mine, closing his eyes for a moment. "You have a fever."

"Great." I mumbled, my words slurring together.

I faintly heard Sasuke talking to sensei and then I was swept off my feet. Everything around me bluured together and their voices sounded so far away.

"Kakashi-sensei, I need to run Miyu home. She has a fever." I heard Sasuke call out.

"A fever?" Sensei asked, placing the inside of his wrist on my forehead. "She's burning up."

"This normally happens a lot. She hasn't been sick in awhile. I thought she was actually getting better." I heard Sasuke mutter.

"You keep training. I'll take her home." Sensei took me from Sasuke. I'm pretty sure Sasuke nodded because next thing I know, Sensei was moving. I weakly clutched his vest, closing my eyes.

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