Real Training and Answers

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Miyu's pov.

I woke up extremely happy today. Last night was amazing, and I couldn't keep the smile off my face. He had set up a night picnic. It was amazing. I let out a sigh as I finished braiding my hair, while trying not to run into anything as I walk.

I'm training with sensei today. After that, Naruto said that he wants me to come with him so he can train. Said that having me there makes him focus a lot better. Of course I agreed.

Finally making it to the training grounds, I scaled up the cliff wall, to find sensei sitting there.

"Your late." He said, not looking up from his book. My right eye started twitching.

"Your... early..." I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "That's not even right on so many levels." I muttered, looking away from sensei, who began standing.

"Alright, let's pick up where we left off, shall we?" I nodded. "Do the Chidori."

I made the hand signs, and held my right hand, activating my sharingan. Birds sounded and I looked down to see a purple version of senseis Chidori.

"Good. You can handle it now without being tossed back. That's an improvement." I nodded, staring at my Chidori. Even the lightning was purple. "Now, your probably good for about two hits. Go ahead. Use that rock as your target." I glance at said rock, before running and shoving Chidori through it. "Good. Again."

I repeated. And repeated. And repeated.

"Never mind then. Your good for four hits." Sensei sounded very surprised."Ok. Now, you want to modify Chidori to make it your own right?" I nodded. What is he, a mind reader? "What were you thinking of doing with it?"

I answered without pause. "I was thinking about trying to stretch it. Make it stream." I thought a lot about this. Senseis eyes, or eye, widened.

"I see. That's enough for today. Now I have to go train with Sasuke." I nodded once and he vanished with a poof. I took a deep breath and jumped down from the cliff, landing on my feet.

As soon as they hit the ground, I took off running, heading to the place where I'm supposed to meet Naruto.

It didn't take long to get there, honestly. It was about five minutes from where I met up with sensei. Not far at all.

When I got there, I pursed my lips at the sight. Jiraiya sitting there, watching as Naruto tried to do some jutsu. I think it was the summoning jutsu.

"Morning, Miyu!" Jiraiya greeted. I nodded to him, still wary about being around him. I turned to Naruto who was standing with his arms open and a big grin on his face. I jumped right into his arms, closing my eyes as I hung off of him like a koala, my face buried in the collar of his jacket.

"Good morning, Miyu." I simply nodded in return. He's always so warm. "Hm?" I tightened my legs grip around his hips, keeping me in place.

I could hear the voice purring in my ear, it freaked me out, but I ignored it. Naruto laughed, hefting me up so I wasn't slipping, his hands on the backs of my thighs.

"Miyu, let the kid get back to training." Jiraiya called, though I'm pretty sure he wasn't even paying attention. He's probably perving on some girls.

"Nah. I'm good right here." I let out a small 'eep' when Naruto sat down, my eyes snapping open from their closed position. I pursed my lips into a pout, mentally giggling when Naruto's cheeks tinted pink. But my fun was stopped short when he leaned down and captured my lips in a kiss.

I could hear Jiraiya fan....guying... and squealing like a little girl. No doubt he was watching. Seriously. With the sounds he's making there is no doubt in my mind he's watching.

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