Training and Dates

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Miyu's pov.

I blew out a breath as I left the house. I'm going to ask sensei if he can train with me today. And if not, I'll just keep working on Chidori. Possibly find a way to make it my own. That would be cool.

Its been a week since I got out of the hospital. I tried training with sensei a few days ago, but he refused. He said I needed more time to rest.

Naruto said he wanted to take me somewhere today, but I don't know where. He hasn't left my side except when he takes me home. Its nice.

I took a deep breath, scaling the cliff side of training ground 2. When I got to the top, I raised an eyebrow, seeing that sensei had his arms around Sasuke, standing behind him, and trying to position his arms for... something.

I cleared my throat, making both freeze in their places. Sasuke jumped away from sensei, a bead of sweat rolling down his face.

"Miyu, its not what it looks like!" My twin insisted.

"And what did it look like, Onii-san?" I asked innocently, a Cheshire grin spreading across my lips. Sasuke froze. Then face palmed hard enough to make him fall on his butt with a big hand print. Seriously, you could see the outline of each finger.

"Miyu....." I giggled and turned to the ever so... something... sensei.

"Sensei, cane we resume my training?" I asked. Sensei sighed. I pursed my lips, giving him my famous puppy dog eyes that always worked on everyone.

"Oh alright. But I'll train you apart from Sasuke." I nodded. "Tomorrow, 7, we'll meet here." I nodded.

"'Kay!" I grinned. "You can go back to whatever it was you were doing you two!" I focused chakra to my feet and began my way down the side of the cliff. Of course not forgetting to yell back over my shoulder.. "DONT FORGET TO USE PROTECTION!"

I laughed as I started running, relishing the the angry screams of my twin. :3

* * * * * * * * * * * °3° mini time skip brought to you by these stars * * * * * * * * * * *

I stepped through the bushes by the river, my foot catching something and sending me and whatever I got caught on tumbling.

I landed on my back hard, and that something landed on me. "Ow..." I opened my eyes, rubbing my head, to see Pervy sage groaning on top of me, his face smushed against my chest.

My girl instincts and reflexes kicked in and I let out a scream, my right foot swinging up and kicking him between his legs, my right fist coliding with his nose. There was a satisfying crack before he went flying. "PERVERT!!!"

I covered myself with my arms, my face red from both anger and embarrassment.

Naruto came running out of the bushes, stopping and taking in the sight before him. His sensei lying knocked out cold, holding his... you know...

"Miyu, what happened?!" He rushed to my side. I jumped into Naruto's arms, trying to get as far away from the perv as possible.

When Jiraiya woke up, he was still holding his... and was appologising like no tomorrow. "Miyu! Wait! It was an accide-"

"Stay away from me perv!" I yelled back at him. Naruto chuckled.

How dare he touch what's mine.

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