A Road Trip?

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"Hurry up, imouto!" Sasuke called for the millionth time. I puffed out my cheeks as I ran the brush through my loose hair. Then, deciding to leave it down, I grabbed my bag and hurried to the front door where Sasuke was waiting oh so patiently ~note my sarcasm~.

It has now been a week since I woke up and I'm feeling better than ever. Its amazing.

"Ok, ok, kami, your so pushy, Onii-san!" I whined, slipping into my shoes and jumping out the door. "What are we doing anyway?" I asked, looping my arm through my twins as he lead me away from the apartment.

"Kakashi-sensei wanted to meet up with me, I figured you would want to tag along, hopefully run into Naruto." Sasuke stated, casting me a side glance as we walked.

"Huh." I blinked. "Yeah, pretty much sounds like me." Sasuke sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm surprised you thought of that. Your normally a ditz, Onii-san!" I poked my brothers cheek, smiling as he raised an eyebrow.

"Your awfully perky today." Sasuke pointed out. I shrugged and looked up, basking in the sun. "And I'm not a ditz." Sasuke glared my way. I smiled and let out a tiny laugh. "If anything, your a ditz.... and a clutz..."

"I am not a clutz!" I protested, as we approached sensei, Kurenai-sensei and Asuma-sensei in front of a dumpling shop. I narrowed my eyes, seeing two people in black cloaks with red clouds sitting at a table.

"Well look at that, your early." Sasuke commented to sensei. I noticed the group of olders nodding amongst themselves.

"Ah, Sasuke, Miyu." I noticed one of the cloaked guys hand flinch at the sound of our name. And just like that, they vanished, before Kurenai-sensei and Asuma-sensei disappeared.

Thatchakrafeltsofamiliar, I thought to myself.

"Sasuke, I'm going to go find Naruto." I let go of Sasuke's arm after he nodded, turning to leave. But of course, I didn't walk, much to the protest of the two I just left. I ran toward Ichiraku, skidding to a stop and slipping inside to find Naruto downing a bowl of ramen.

"Ah, good morning! What can I get you?" Teuchi smiled as I sat down on the stool on Naruto's right. The blonde stopped mid bite, his eyes darting my way.

"Nothing, thank you. I'm here for him." I said, staring at Naruto. He finished his bite and grinned. Just as he was about to speak he was cut off.

"I had to see for myself, but I just couldn't believe it." Jiraiya peaked his head inside. "It really does look like you eat nothing but ramen, Naruto."

"Pervy sage?!" Naruto froze, staring at the man. I raised an eyebrow, and sighed.

"What's up, squirt?" Jiraiya plopped down on the stool on the other side Naruto. "Oh, hey, Miyu." I rolled my eyes at Pervy sage and only listened while they talked."So, I was wondering..." Naruto glanced at me before he turned his attention to the older man. Jiraiya turned, motioning to follow.

Naruto finished his ramen in record time, payed, then took hold of my hand, pulling me off my stool and followed Jiraiya. As we fell into step with the older man, Naruto gripped my hand, interlocking our fingers. "Ah! Wait I forgot something!" Naruto stopped, making me stop with him. "Go on ahead, Pervy sage, we'll catch up!" Jiraiya eyed Naruto before nodding and kept walking.

"Hurry up, kid!" The man called back. Naruto grinned, his eyes drifting my way. No one was around and Pervy sage had turned a corner. I narrowed my eyes.

"What is it?" Naruto's grin widened as his eyed lowered to my mouth, watching as I bit my lower lip.

"I didn't get a proper 'good morning'." I blanched at his words. "I think we should fix that." My eyes widened a bit as I was backed up against a fence. Naruto took both of my hands in his, intertwining our fingers as he pinned me.

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