Competition Between Two Baka's

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Miyu's pov.

It wasn't long before Sakura had made it all the way up the tree, triggering an irritability in both boys. They started competing with each other, trying to get to the top. But no matter what, they always fell. Sasuke was emmitting to much chakra while Naruto was emmitting to little.

Now both Sakura and I are watching the boys. She decided that she would give me a little company before sensei could give her another task. "So, Miyu."

"Hm?" I turned my head to Sakura. She stared down at her lap before lifting her head and sending Sasuke a glance that lingered a bit longer than it should.

"What's it like being close to Sasuke?" I raised my eyebrows at her question. "I mean, he doesn't push you away like he does everyone else. I was just wondering, that's all." She kept rambling on.

I slapped my handover her mouth, not hard,but enough to startle her. "Sakura, I get what your trying to say. Rambling doesn't suit you." I sighed and dropped my hand.

"Sorry." She laughed nervously.

"Honestly, I don't really know how to answer that, Sakura." I glances back at the boys who were sweating and I could see they were becoming very frustrated.

"Well.. um... can I ask, why doesn't he push you away?" Sakura asked, also looking toward the boys.

"I'm his twin. We support each other." I laughed a little as I though of childhood. "The longest we've ever been apart was... about an hour?"

"Really?" Sakura seemed surprised as she turned to me. I nodded, a small smile on my lips.

"Yeah. And even then it was the worst hour of our lives." Sakura smiled, and giggled. My smile dropped, thinking about our parents.

"So, what's he like?" She suddenly asked. I pursed my lips.

"Well... hm." I glanced at Sakura and felt a real smile form. "He's a bit of an air head." Her mouth dropped and she started laughing. And I joined her. But of course my fun was cut short by a sharp pain radiating through my stomach. "Ah!" I cried out, clutching my wound. Lifting the shirt, I was lucky it didn't start bleeding again. "I'm fine." I breathed.

"Are you sure?!" Sakura frowned as I nodded. "A-Alright."

"Sakura, I want you to go with Tazuna to the bridge and keep an eye on him." Sensei suddenly appeared.

"Alright, sensei. Can we talk later, Miyu?" Sakura smiled at me. I nodded and she left. I'm surprised. She isn't as annoying as I thought when she wasn't around Sasuke.

"How are you feeling, Miyu?" Sensei asked.

"I'm alright."

"I'm going to go back to the house. Tell the boys to start heading back when it starts getting dark." I nodded and sense poofed away. I sighed and sat up, grunting in pain, but I ignored it as I went to stand.

My legs felt a little numb and I stumbled, barely catching myself on the tree. "Hey, Miyu?" I jumped at Naruto's voice, losing my footing and falling straight forward into warm arms. How did he get in front of me so fast? I have no clue but he smells really good.

I could feel my face flush as I stood up abruptly, grunting as another wave of pain erupted through my body. Naruto caught me again as my legs collapsed beneath me.

"Are you alright?" Naruto asked as he helped me sit down, leaning my back against the tree. I sighed.

"Fine.." I glanced up at Naruto and tilted my head. "Did you need something?"

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