Survival Test? Pfft Please Sensei

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Miyu's pov.

Sasuke and I both woke up early the next morning, as usual. I was getting ready while he waited ever so patiently.

Today decided to wear a dark blue spaghetti strap tank top with the Uchiha symbol on the back, and my usual white mid thigh length skort with my usual black flats. The shorts on the skort are spandex material so its easy to move around in and the skirt is flowy. From elbow to wrist are wrapped in bandages, and my waist length blueish black hair is down as usual, with my head band around my neck.

Huh... Guess its not much different from my normal clothes.. the only difference is the head band >_<

"Are you done?" Sasuke appeared in the bathroom door as I finished brushing my hair. I nodded and set the brush down, picking up my bag and following Sasuke out of the house, him locking it behind us.

"I have a weird feeling..." I whispered, my hand intertwining with my twins. He 'hn'd' waiting for me to continue. "This exercise... I have a feeling there's something off about it.. But I can't figure out what."

"...." Sasuke stayed quiet, obviously pondering what I was saying. "I have the same feeling. We'll figure it out when he tells us about the exercise."Sasuke finally said, narrowing his eyes at nothing. I nodded once and took a deep breath of the fresh morning air.

It didn't take long to get to the training grounds. We were the first ones there. And we just stood there, hand in hand, watching as an exhausted Sakura stumbled up as she yawned. Next came Naruto who was practically sleep walking.

When Naruto reached us he dropped his bag on the ground then sat down in front of it. I watched silently as he layed down, using his bag for a pillow. These guys obviously weren't ones to get up early.

After about twenty minutes, I sat down, leaning against one of the large trees and staring at the sky. I heard and felt Sasuke sit down next to me. I have a feeling we're in for a long wait.


Its been five hours since the meeting time.. Five. Hours. I swear I will bash his skull in if he isn't here soon.

"Where is he?!" Naruto asked/shouted for the millionth time today.

"Shut up, Naruto! We're all as irritated as you are!" Sakura slammed her fist into Naruto's head. I just watched with amusement as she continued to do so with every word of nonsense that came from Naruto's mouth.

"Yo!" A poof sounded and there stood Kakashi-sensei.

"YOUR LATE!" Naruto and Sakura both turned on him, screaming his head off but he just brushed them off as if it was nothing.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to help an old lady carry her groceries home." Kakashi-sensei gave what I'm guessing is a closed eye smile. Now bear with me here, I'm guessing.

"If your going to lie, then you might as well come up with a believable one." I commented, standing and brushing off my behind from the grass.

"Ah... Well anyway, today we start our first exercise as a team." Kakashi just about completely ignored me. "Today your mission is to retrieve these bells." Kakashi held up three bells. "If you don't get a bell by noon then you will be tied to the post and will not get any lunch and you will sit there and watch me while I eat my lunch."

So that's it! I understand now. But with dumb, dumber and dumbest, he should know that we'll fail. Especially if he's grading us on teamwork. Sasuke only ever works with me. And I know for a fact that with his high and mighty Uchiha attitude, he will reject any idea of working with anyone other than me.

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