Training and Blondes

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Miyu's pov.

I woke up early this morning. Not intentionally, of course. And Sasuke was still asleep.

I peeked in his room when snuck out of the house. With a sigh of relief, I ran down the stairs of the apartment complex, and down the dirt road to the Hokage heads. Its way to early for anyone to be up. I mean, the sun has just barely set to rise.

My favorite time of morning.

My feet never faltered a single step, even with the weight of my bag hitting the backs of my legs each time I took a step. I quickly ran up the stairs and the used chakra to run up the side of the faces, landing at the top.

"Just in time." I whispered as my eyes fixated on the horizon. The sun just began to really rise, creating beautiful rays of color over the village. It made the village shine, the birds sing, and I could tell that some people were getting ready for the day. "Its so peaceful." I smiled.

With a nice sigh of content, I jumped down from the Hokage faces, slowly making my way back through town. So many people were up and opening their shops. I decided to go to Ichiraku's while I passed by.

"Good morning." I called out as I entered, settling myself on one of the stools.

"Ah, good morning. What can I get you?" Teuchi smiled.

"Miso ramen with extra pork, old man!" I blinked as Naruto called out, running and hopping up on the stool next to me.

"Huh? Naruto?" I asked. I forced down a blush when his blue eyes landed on me.

"Oh hey, Miyu." Naruto grinned. "What are you doing here?"

"Baka, its a ramen shop, why else would I be here." I covered my mouth, suppressing my giggles.

"Oh... right."

"Now, Miyu. What can I get you." Teuchi tried again.

"Same as Naruto." I answered, watching Naruto from the corner of my eye as he devoured his bowl of ramen. It was quiet after that, my ramen was placed in front of me and we ate in utter silence.

When we finished, I payed for my ramen and got up to leave.

"Hey where are you going?" I stopped and glanced at Naruto. He had a genuinely curious look on his face, making him look absolutely adorable.

"Oh... I was going to go visit my parents." I said quietly, lowering my eyes to the ground. I was planning on saying something like, 'I'm going to go train,' but I couldn't. Its like he would see right through me.

"Oh, can I come?" My eyes snapped up, and I blinked, before I nodded. "Let's go. Where are they at?"

"Oh. This way." I grabbed Naruto's hand before he started in the wrong direction. After a few moments neither Naruto, nor I, let go. Just having his hand in mine was comforting.

I lead him to the Uchiha compound, just outside the village. Our personal burial site is behind it, but the only way there is to go through. I tightened my hand around Naruto's and ducked under the yellow tape. They still haven't taken it down.

"What... is this place?" Naruto suddenly asked.

"This is the Uchiha compound. Sasuke and I used to live here when we were younger." I answered simply, trying to suppress the memories of our parents, our aunts, uncles, cousins and brother.


I shook my head of the thoughts, hurrying through the compound. I'll come back later so I can really see.

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