Fevers Suck

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Miyu's pov.

"I've never seen anything like this." I heard a woman say. "She's running such a high fever..." I could hear the confusion in her voice as she spoke.

"She's been like this since she was little." Sasuke's voice. "Its nothing unusual."

"That's impossible though." She stated. "How could someone live like this.. being sick all the time?"

Alright, I'm done. Time to move.

Slowly, I opened my eyes, trying to keep them open, but my body feels numb, and my face feels warm., and my head is pounding with a killer headache that could bring down the Great Naruto Bridge.

"Miyu," my eyes drifted to my twin who was seated on the edge of the bed beside me. "How are you feeling?"

I tried to say something, anything, but I couldn't. Then I tried to shake my head. Nope.

"That bad, huh?" Sasuke sighed, lifting his right hand and gently pressing the inside of his wrist to my forehead. "Scratch last time, imouto. This is worse." Sasuke's fingers drifted from my forehead to my cheek. "Tsunade doesn't even know what to do."

I fought my muscles, trying to move my head. And it worked. "Is she awake?" I heard the woman's voice again and glanced toward her. She was beautiful. "Miyu, my name is Tsunade."

"I know who you are." I was finally able to speak. My voice was soft and cracked a little from lack of use. "One of the legendary Sannin."

Tsunade looked genuinely surprised. "Well," was the only thing she said. "I wasn't expecting that." She laughed. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I got ran over by a bridge." I mumbled out. "My head really hurts."

"I'll take care of it."

"Onii-san?" Sasuke hummed in response. "I feel like I'm going to throw up." I mumbled. Sasuke frowned, moving an arm beneath my shoulders and sitting me up. A small puke bag was put into my hands.

My stomach churned and churned at the movement of sitting up. "Miyu, your awfully pale."

I heard the door open, and that's when my body decided to have its moment. I hunched over the bag, emptying the contents of my stomach, which wasn't anything, but it still found something. My hair was pulled back as I heaved.

"Eeeek! That's so gross!" I faintly heard Sakura's voice.

Two hands settled on my back, rubbing in soothing circles. One from Sasuke, and I'm guessing the other from Naruto, since Kurama's chakra was surrounding me.

When I finished, tissues appeared in my hand and I wiped my mouth, dropping the dirtied things into the bag. Tsunade took the bag away and looked at me sadly.

"Better?" Sasuke asked, eyes narrowed in on my face.

I nodded meekly, glancing to Naruto. "Miyu," Tsunade came back into view. "I'll be right back with an IV." I made a face of disgust as she left.

"Did you just wake up?" Naruto asked, gently pressing the back of his fingers to my forehead. I nodded.

"Hey, Miyu," Sakura half waved, obviously still grossed out by my little display a few minutes ago. 

"Hi." I covered my mouth as I began coughing. "Ow.."

"Lay down, Miyu." Sasuke demanded. I sighed, letting him lay me back down.

Naruto layed down beside me, leaning against the hospital bed frame, arm around the top of my head, the other playing with my hair.

"How are you doing, Miyu?" Sakura suddenly broke the silence. I shrugged, taking a deep breath.

"Imouto, I'm going to go train for awhile. I'll be back." Sasuke's fingers brushed my cheek before he turned and left the room.

"You really shouldn't scare me like that, love." Naruto sighed. "I come back from training, and Pervy sage says he sent you home because you were sick." I could feel Sakura eyes on us as he spoke.

"I'm sorry, Naruto." I whispered, leaning into his touch as his fingers caressed my cheek. Pulling the blankets up, I turned to my side, snuggling into him.

"At least your awake now." He whispered back. He was about to say something else, but the door opened.

"Let's get this thing hooked up and then you can rest." Tsunade made herself known, walking around the bed, to the side Naruto wasn't occupying.

"Alright, arm." I held out my right arm, and just layed there. Glancing at Sakura, I could see a look of jealousy in her eyes as they watched Naruto take my hand.

There was a small prick in my arm and then she was done. Tsunade hooked the IV up, and hooked it on a hook above the bed.

"There, your all set. Just press the call button if you need anything." She turned to Naruto. "She needs to be resting so she can get better. That means absolutely no playing." Naruto flinched a little and gave a nervous laugh.

"I won't do anything! Promise!" Sakura looked utterly confused, but nobody else seemed to notice. It was then, that Tsunade started dragging her from the room. "Old hag." I laughed a little, but it turned into a coughing fit. It felt like I was hacking up a lung, geez.

"Ow..." I muttered. Naruto sighed, carefully patting my back with one hand while the other smoothed my hair away from my face.

"Rest, love." He whispered, laying down fully and moving so that his bicep/shoulder was my pillow, while an arm wrapped around my waist. "I'll stay as long as I can."

I nodded, resting my hand over his heart. Yawning, I closed my eyes, hoping to be better in the morning.

Ayame: Ok!


Ayame: Kaka-baka is here to send us off since Kitty-chan is to busy reading.

Kakashi: when did I get here?

Ayame: Just now baka!

Kakashi: Oh...  Aya-chan does not own Naruto, Naruto characters Comment Vote and Eat Ramen"

Ayame: Gomen for the sort of short chapter!


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