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Miyu's pov.

"Were finally moving on to the next village?!" I accidentally said a little too loud that Jiraiya covered his ear closest to me. Naruto, who's lap Id settled myself in, just laughed.

"Yes!" Jiraiya yelled right back, glaring at me for most likely blowing his ear drum. I just smirked and crossed my arms over my chest, leaning back against Naruto. His arms were draped around my waist, his fingers playing with the edge of my shirt.

"Its about time. I was beginning to wonder how much longer we were staying here." I sighed.

Jiraiya's eye just twitched as he eyed me carefully. "Now that Naruto is onto the second phase of his training, he can continue it on the road. So hurry up and get your things. You have twenty minutes." Jiraiya stated before he left the room.

Lips pressed against my neck, kissing up to my ear. "Naruto..." I bit my lower lip to stifle my laugh as he blew warm air on my ear. "Tha-That tickles!" Escaping Naruto, I breathed a sigh of relief as I grabbed my bag. "Come on, get your bag."

"That's mean, Miyu." Naruto pouted as he stood. I raised an eyebrow when he grabbed his bag and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Poor thing," the corner of my lips tugged into a smirk.

"I know," Naruto whined. "I didn't even get a proper good morning!" I sighed and then a giggle escaped me. He was being so dramatic, like it was the end of the world.

"Geez, Naruto," I turned and gently kissed him, pulling away before he could start something more. "Now come on." I left the room, smiling when Naruto rushed to catch up.

But my smiled dropped and I almost winced as pain thrummed inside my head. Almost.

I could feel Kurama stir. Don't ask me how, I just could. Naruto also seemed to notice something was wrong, and frowned.

"Miyu, what's wrong?" He asked suddenly, taking hold of my hand and stopping me.

"Just a headache." I managed a small smile. "I'm fine, it'll go away soon." He didn't seem very convinced, but didn't press further. It won't be long now....


"Were here." Jiraiya stated, staring at the village. It was large, and I could tell that it was mostly made of casinos. I mean... its hard not to notice the many people going into small shops with large bags and big smirks on their faces.

I couldn't really hear what they were saying now, their voices were muffled by the pounding in my ears. The small headache magnified by... a lot.

"Miyu," Naruto's voice broke through, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed. "Your face is red." He muttered.

My eyes widened and I pressed my fingers to my right cheek, feeling nothing but heat.

"I'm fine." I reassured him. "I-I was just thinking of something really embarrassing."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, obviously not buying my excuse. "Fine, but your not allowed to leave my side, got it?" He stated in a demanding tone. I nodded meekly, letting my blonde tug me along.

Jiraiya also seemed to notice, but kept his mouth shut, thank kami.

We found an inn and Jiraiya sent Naruto training, keeping me behind, which resulted in the perv being yelled at before Naruto stormed off.

Jiraiya sighed, watching him go before turning to me. "Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine." I stated in a somewhat harsh tone. My face felt hot and my vision was slightly blurry, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"Miyu, your face is completely flushed and you can barely walk straight." Jiraiya narrowed his eyes. I sighed, eyes widening when he pressed the back of his hand to my forehead. "When were you going to tell us you had a fever." He demanded. I flinched slightly and rolled my eyes.

"Its normal." I said dryly, not wanting to go into it.

Jiraiya took a hold of my arm, literally dragging me back to the inn. He shoved the door open after unlocking it and pulled me inside. It was then that my legs decided to jellify, and I collapsed, only to be caught.

"How can this be normal?" He asked. My eyes were barely open now, and I could barely hear him. "Miyu!"

"S-Sorry." I muttered, pushing away from Jiraiya and leaning against the wall. "I'm fine..  really."

"Get in bed." My eyes widened as much as they could and I stared at the old man. "Your sick, you need to rest." I let out a whine and moved to the bed, stumbling all the way there.

Laying down, I shivered when a cold cloth was placed on my forehead, and I pushed it away, whining when it was replaced.

"Stop fighting it, Miyu." I let out a grunt as my consciousness faded.

3rd pov.

Jiraiya stared down at the girls flushed face, eyebrows furrowed. Replacing the cold cloth on her forehead, the white haired man took out a scroll, writing a small letter before summoning a messanger frog and attaching the note.

"Go." He ordered and the frog was gone. He knew that Naruto wouldn't be happy with what he was about to do, nor would his tailed beast, but he had no choice.


A few hours later, there was a knock on the door. Jiraiya stood, sparing Miyu a glance before he went to answer it. He opened the door and there stood the very person he called for.

"Kakashi." Jiraiya greeted, watching as the Jounin stepped into the room, eyeing the sleeping girl.

"I'll take her to the village." Kakashi said, leaning down and carefully picking her up, cradling her in his arms.

"She said it was normal." The sad look in Kakashi's eyes said it all.

"Unfortunately it is." The Jounin sighed and moved to the door. "We'll be going now. Please take care of Naruto." Jiraiya nodded and watched as the Jounin left.

Now all he had to do was tell Naruto.

Ayame: Gomenasai for the wait!

Gaara: .......... why am I here?.....

Ayame: Cuz ya cute!~ And Kitty-chan isnt here to stop me!~

Gaara: 0_0 ...........

Ayame: Anyway, as we all know, I don't own Naruto T-T Masashi Kishimoto owns him.....

Gaara: ........

Ayame: Say something Panda-chan!
Gaara: Comment Vote and Eat Ramen -_-

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