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Miyu's pov.

I let out a small gasp as I became aware of my surroundings.

I'm. . .  back. . . 

I don't remember falling asleep though. . . 


I looked down, feelings soft breeze brushing against my legs and water pooling around my ankles. I'm wearing a pure white dress that stops at mid thigh and has almost kimono like sleeves.

"Another dress?" I muttered as I began walking through the hallways. I turned a corner, coming up to the large familiar cell.

Golden eyes opened and settled on me as I moved to stand between the bars. "Miyu." Kurama purred as he said my name. A small smile lifted the corner of my lips and I fully stepped inside the bars.

Kurama shifted his large head, moving to nudge his nose against my stomach. "Your awfully quiet, mate." He said.

"Its nothing." I stepped around his nose, going to stand beside his neck where I buried my face in his soft fur. He was so warm.

Kurama chuckled, his paw lifting and gently pressing against my back, pulling me closer. I closed my eyes, sighing.

All to soon, the paws turned into hands and skin replaced the fur. Arms pulled me closer to a hard body and I heard a chuckle above me.

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