Chuunin Exams Part 1 !!

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Miyu's pov.

The next morning, Sasuke and I were heading to the academy where we were going to meet up with Naruto and Sakura for the chuunin exams. Even though, I never did tell Sasuke I had to do it alone.

As we were on our way there, I went over what happened last night.

We had a run in with some sand Genin here to take the chuunin exams. One of the boys wore a black cat hood with purple war paint. He had grabbed Konohamaru by his collar and almost hit him.

It was crazy.

I let out a sigh as we approached the academy, outside Sakura and Naruto were already there. "Good morning, Sasuke!" Sakura clasped her hands together as she greeted my brother and nodded my way with a smile.

I blinked. And to think... I actually thought we had gotten closer and over Sasuke.... to be able to voice at least. a proper greeting... apparently I was wrong.

"Morning, Miyu." Naruto smiled a bit, his eyes softening.

"Good morning." I replied, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear as Sasuke shot a hard look at Naruto and tugged me inside the academy. There was a dark chuckle and I did a double take, looking to see if anyone else heard it.

Nope. Just me.

I must be going crazy, I thought to myself. We made it to the second floor and stopped, seeing other Genin crowded around a door where two boys, who strange enough looked like younger versions of Izumo and Kotetsu, the main gate guards, were pushing down a brown haired girl with buns.

Sasuke watched through narrowed eyes and stepped forward. My eyes drifted to the sign above the door. 301.

"I've had enough of this. I'm going to the 3rd floor. And while your at it, take the Genjutsu off." The boys eyes widened. "You noticed it to, right, Sakura? I mean you are the sharpest in our team. You must have seen it before anyone did." I pursed my lips and glared at my brother.

I scoffed and let go of Sasuke, walking ahead of my team. I could feel my twins eyes on me as I just walked off, as well as a pair of heated eyes. But I ignored them, as well as the calls that followed me.

I had no problem finding the room we were supposed to be in. It was rather easy as sensei was standing right there. "Morning, Sensei." I greeted the silver haired man as I stepped closer to the door.

"Good morning." He said, looking up from his dirty, perverted book. "Where are the others?" I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall.

"Onii-san decided to make a big deal about the Genjutsu on the second floor." I stated, my eyes wandering out the window. "Um... sensei?"

"What is it?" Sensei frowned, I think, and narrowed his eye.

"H-Have you.." I bit my lip. "Never mind." Its been coming more frequent. That voice.

I shall see you soon, my dear.

My eyes snapped to sensei, trying to see if he heard it. He was watching me intensely and his eye narrowed even more, if possible.

"Are you alright?" I took a deep breath, nodding. "You seem shaken up about something. I'm here if you need to talk, Miyu." I looked up at Kakashi-sensei fully.

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