A Day of Play

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Miyu's pov.

I squinted my eyes open as light flooded the room. With a groan, I turned over, snuggling deeper into my warm pillow. It oddly smelled just like Naruto. A chuckle rumbled, and the weight around my waist tightened, bringing me closer to the pillow.


Chuckle. Weight around my waist. Smells like Naruto.......






BING! BING! We have a winner!

I opened my eyes fully to see a certain blonde watching me, a small smile on his lips. I could feel my face heat up as I took in the whole situation.

1. My blonde boyfriend is in the same bed. Well... actually I could care less about that... scratch number one.

1-redo. My blonde boyfriend is curled around me, arm around my waist and legs tangled with mine.

2. The weirdo was watching me sleep.

3. ...... he's weird....

4. ............. Hey where's Pervy sage?




"Good morning, love." He chuckled seeing my flushed cheeks. I made a noise and closed my eyes again, cuddling into Naruto's warm body. "How do you feel?"

"Mm." I whined. Fingers traced over the skin of my upper back, just below my neck, making me shiver.

"You had a fever last night." Naruto said, his fingers traced the top of my shirt. I shrugged, tossing my arm around his waist. "Don't ignore me, missy." He frowned, but moved, nudging his nose against mine. "We do need to get up."

"Don't wanna." I muttered, my cheek pressed against his bare chest. Naruto chuckled, and shifted, propping himself up on his elbow.

"To bad, love. Come on, up." Naruto grinned and pulled me up with him, settling me in his lap. "We have things to do today."

"Like what?" I asked curiously, wrapping my arms around his neck, my legs straddling his waist.

"Well, Pervy sage said there's a festival going on in town. He left to find that lady before you woke up." Naruto pursed his lips."But before that, I need a good morning." He puckered his lips, staying right where he was.

I squealed and looked away when he made kissy fish lips. "Naruto!" I laughed, covering his mouth with my hand. "Quit it! That's so weird."

"But, Miyu! I need my good morning kiss!" Naruto whined, maneuvering around my hand.

I sighed. "Close your eyes." Naruto did so without hesitation and smiled. I leaned in ever so closely..... and pecked his cheek before springing from his lap and going to get dressed. His eyes shot open and he frowned, not looking very impressed as I pulled out some clothes from my bag.

"That was not what I wanted." He stated. I giggled and was about to disappear into the bathroom as I answered.

"You never specified where." I shut the door and turned to dress. I knew id be getting it later. Oh well.

I stripped and pulled on my clothes, I decided on my usual clothes. Meh. I know, boring.

I brushed my hair and let it down before stepping out and staring at my pouting boyfriend. "N-Naruto?" I called his name, standing directly in front of him. Naruto turned away, refusing to look at me. "Come on, Naruto."

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