Chuunin Exams Part 2: Forest of Death

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Miyu's pov.

"Pencils down." I gripped Naruto's hand. "Its time for the 10th and final question. But first you must choose.  If you answer it correctly then you will move on. If even one in your team misses it, the whole team will be dropped from the program. Raise your hand if you don't wish to answer and you will be escorted out." A lot if Genin stood and started making their way to the door.

Naruto glanced at me from the corner of his eye, and tightened his grip on my hand a bit. He lifted his hand and wavering a bit, he slammed it down.

"I won't give up that easily!" He snapped, glaring at the proctor. Some more woods were said, and I didn't pay attention as I was busy focusing on the warm hand I was holding.

"Miyu, come on we have to go to the next exam site." I glanced at Naruto who pulled me to my feet and lead me away out of the room. Sasuke caught up with us and snatched my hand from Naruto's, glaring full out at the blonde.


I suppose I better listen this time. I'm doing this alone. My eyes drifted over the forest surrounded by a gate.

"Alright. This is training ground number 44." The woman started. "Also known as the Forest of Death."

She grinned. "And pretty soon your going to find out why." Naruto imitated her and ended up with a scratch from the proctor messing with him.

"Its so creepy." Sakura shivered.

"Each team will be given either an earth scroll or a heaven scroll. Your task is to gather both a heaven and earth scroll and deliver it to the tower. n the center of the training zone, 10 kilometers from each gate." The proctor pulled out two scrolls.

"With the odds like that, there's absolutely no way even half of us will pass." I said, but gasped when I realized I had spoke out loud.

"That's right." The proctor said. "Oh! I also forgot! Please pass these around, read through it ans sign your name at the bottom." She passed the papers to a few people.

"What is it?" Naruto asked, staring at the paper.

"Some of you may not make it. And without the consent form it would be my responsibility!" She laughed. "Once you've signed the form, your entire team will exchange their forms for a scroll. Okay, we're done."

I wandered off without anyone, not bothering to stay behind for the "interviews" by the academy students. I faintly heard the others interview before the trio left.

"Miyu." I turned as my name was called, coming face to face with Sasuke. "Its not to late to back out. You don't have to do this." He's still trying to make me quit?

"Sasuke, I'm finishing the exams. You can't stop me." I narrowed my eyes and folded my arms across my chest. I already signed the consent form.

Sasuke frowned, then sighed in defeat. "I-I know." He gave a super teeny tiny smile that for anyone but me, would have thought it was a smirk. "Stubborn as always." I let out a small giggle. He sat down, leaning against the giant rock. I joined him, leaning on him.

"Onii-san." I let my eyes roam over the teams. Sakura was fighting with Ino again and Naruto was nowhere to be seen.

"Hn?" Sasuke grunted. His eyes drifted from watching the exchange booth, being curtained, to me.

"I'm a little scared." I whispered. Sasuke's eyes widened a fraction before going back to normal. Taking my hand in his, he sighed.

"....." Sasuke said nothing. I bit my lip and took a deep breath. "You'll do fine, imouto." With a deep intake of breath, Sasuke rushed out his next words. "What's going on with you and Naruto?"

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