One Week And 3 Days

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Naruto's pov.

Its been a week and a half. A week and a half since the prelims. A week and a half since Miyu's been asleep.

Sasuke went off to train with Kakashi-sensei, and I found Pervy sage who's teaching me. But Sasuke really took it hard. Harder than any of us. When Kabuto's team had handed Miyu to Sasuke, he just stared at her like he was in a daze.

And now he's training. Hes only been to the hospital once since she was admitted. Me? I've been here everyday when I'm not out training with Pervy sage.

I sit here, and I hold her hand, begging her to wake up. My heart feels like its shattered into a million pieces.

From what I heard, she had swallowed a poison. They managed to get it out of her system, and now its just a matter of time before she wakes up.

I think this time has allowed me to admit my feelings though...This time away from her. Not seeing her smile, or hearing her voice. I like Miyu...


I don't like Miyu.

I think I love her.


And the funny thing is... I don't care whether Sasuke approves or not. I really don't.

Even though I'm sure I should be terrified of him. He'd probably kill me if I told him, "Hey Sasuke! By the way, I love your sister! Now let's go train!"

Not happening.

Id be dead for sure.

"Mn." My eyes snapped to the figure behind me, sitting up on the hospital bed. "W-Where am I?" Miyu placed a hand on her head.

"Miyu.." I moved closer to her as her un focused eyes landed on me. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I got trampled on by a heard of elephants." She groaned, leaning forward, laying her head on my shoulder once I sat down. I reached over, careful not to jostle her as I pressed the emergency call button.

Nurses barged into the room, all going bug eyed at the sight of Miyu, sitting up and awake. The shooed me away and started checking her over.

Once they left, I sat back down on the edge of the bed, and Miyu shifted, leaning against me. I gently wrapped my arms around her.

"Where Sasuke at?" She asked in a small, soft voice. Her eyes were closed, I noticed.

"He's training with Kakashi-sensei for the last part of the exam." I answered

"Oh." She sighed. "Naruto?" I blinked and lowered my head so I could see her clearly. Miyu opened her eyes a bit. There was something weird in her eyes. An emotion I can't place.

"What is it?" I frowned a bit. Miyu pursed her lips a bit and my eyes widened. "W-What?" I could feel my cheeks heating up a bit.

"Can I try something?" Miyu smiled a little. I raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Close you eyes." She demanded.


"Just do it." I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath when her arms wound around my neck and she lifted herself into my lap. "Is this ok?" I nodded once, not exactly trusting my voice. I could feel the nine-tails purring in happiness at her gesture, before growling in approval when her soft lips landed on mine.

The kiss was merely a peck. I opened my eyes. She was blushing tomato red, her eyes cast down.

"Miyu?" I cupped her chin and raised her head. When she finally stopped fighting me, I pulled her into a soft kiss. I was about to take it the tiniest step further when the door to her room slammed open, revealing a very surprised Uchiha.

Miyu broke away, her cheeks flushed and her eyes wide as they landed on Sasuke and sensei.

"S-Sasuke." I chuckled at her cuteness.

Without one word, Sasuke stalked to her, raising his hand and pulling her into a hug. "You idiot." He pulled back after two seconds and glared at her. "You don't listen."

"I'm sorry."

"Sasuke, she just woke up. Don't be so harsh." Sensei said as he placed his hand on Miyu's head. "How are you feeling?"

Instead of answering, Miyu stuck her tongue out. Sensei seemed to smile.

Miyu's pov.

"Be good kids!"

My face was flushed when sensei dragged Sasuke from my room to train, leaving Naruto and I alone.

I can't believe I've been asleep for a week and a half. I gasped as I was pulled back into Naruto's arms. He tilted my chin up and captured my lips in a kiss. My face heated up even more as my eyes drifted closed.

He seemed to smile into the kiss, as he pulled away and placed a small kiss on my forehead. I let my eyes meet blue.

"N-Naruto?" I whispered his name.

"I really like you, Miyu." Naruto whispered as he pressed his forehead against mine. "No, scratch that. I love you."

My heart beat quickened and I smiled. I leaned up, pressing my lips against his. I swear. Anymore of this and I'm going to explode. Kami, I love him.



"I love you, Naruto." I whispered against his lips. I laughed when his arms wrapped around me, pulling me back into his lap.

"Miyu." A small grin curved its way onto his lips. I blinked as I was scooped up bridal style, my arms automatically going around Naruto's neck. In the blink of an eye, Naruto jumped out the open window,

"Naruto!" I squealed as he started jumping from roof to roof. "Where are we going?"

"To get you clothes and then, will you come with me while I train?" I frowned.

"Its a little late to be asking, right?" I blanched, but sighed. "Fine." Naruto grinned and started running faster.

Ayame: BOOM!

Kitty: Don't mind Aya-chan She had sugar

Ayame: KAKA-BAKA! *Glomps Kakashi*

Kakashi: *falls over* Aya-chan, thank kami, does not own Naruto.

Kitty: Good riddence! Anyway Comment Vote and Eat Ramen!

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