Training and Healing

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Miyu's pov.

After that night, Inari has practically clung to me, always with pink cheeks to. He wouldn't let me go to the clearing with the boys to watch them train, or go with Sakura to keep an eye on Tazuna while he worked.

Its been 3 days... -_-

Naruto had to distract him while either sensei, Sasuke, or Sakura "kidnapped" me. It was funny, really. And that's how my three days went. Now I'm sitting on the grass in the clearing, feeling tons better seeing as the pain has almost vanished from my body.

"Hey! Miyu!" I looked up from my scroll I was studying, to see Naruto hanging upside down on a really high tree branch.

"Naruto, be careful! Your going to fall!" I yelled up, frowning. He just grinned. Nice. He's a baka. But we already know that.

"I'm fine, promise! I won't fall!" I sighed and started reading again, very aware that the rest of the team had entered the clearing. And all eyes were on the baka.

"Naruto! Get down your gonna hurt yourself!" Sakura yelled. I glanced up again, hearing Naruto laughter and pretend to fall, effectively making Sakura freak out.

"Naruto you idiot!" She yelled, clenching her fists. I sighed, just catching Naruto actually falling from the corner of my eye. Letting out a startled gasp, it turned into a sigh of relief when Sasuke caught him by the ankle.

"What a loser." My brother glared at Naruto as he started walking down the tree. When he was a good distance to the ground.. he dropped the blonde.... and came to my side taking my outstretched hand and pulled me to my feet without any pain!! :D


I looped my right arm through my twins left and let my eyes drift over to Naruto who was now standing and rubbing the back of his head. My cheeks heated a bit when his blue eyes met mine. It was like they were seeing past me, straight into the real me.

Sasuke must have noticed because he stepped into my line of sight, pressing his forehead against mine. "Miyu, what's wrong? Your face is red."

"Oh.. I don't know.. my head hurts a little." I looked down,  trying to suppress the blush that had appeared on my cheeks after meeting Naruto's gaze. "I'm gonna go take a walk." I breathed, pulling away from Sasuke.

"Are you sure you don't want to lay down?" I nodded and smiled. Sasuke frowned but let it go.

"Alright, team! Today we will be sparing each other. Pick a buddy." I mentally giggled at senseis statement.

Sasuke and I turned to each other, automatically getting into a fighting stance.

"Ah! No Uchiha's together!"

"What?" Sasuke and I both asked simultaneously, a grown adorning our faces. "Why not!" I turned to sensei who was staring intently at us, and whined.

"You train together everyday right?" I nodded. "You know each others moves, with or without the sharingan and can move precisely together. Alright, I take it back. Miyu with Naruto, Sakura with Sasuke."

I pouted as I switched places with Sakura. I sighed and got back into a fighting stance.

"This is Taijutsu only. No Ninjutsu, or Genjutsu. And Naruto, Taijutsu is hand to hand no weapons or jutsu." Naruto groaned and made some sort of come back which sensei most likely ignored. "Begin."

My eyes were trained on Naruto as he started moving, running toward me. "I'll go easy on you, Miyu." I smirked when he finally reached me, hand brought back and then swinging as if to punch me. But unlucky for him, I seen it coming, and with just a simple tap of my hand on his wrist, Naruto missed his mark and instead crashed into me, sending us tumbling.

I took advantage of it and flipped us so I sat on his stomach, my hands holding his wrists down. "That wouldn't be a very good idea. Would it?" I giggled, and stood, flipping my hair over my shoulder and out of my way.

"How.." Naruto finally got to his feet staring at me with wide eyes.

I raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk adorning my lips. "I'm not weak. I actually spend my time training." I mentally appologized to Sakura, but when my eyes discreetly slid over to her fight with my twin, I winced as he wasn't going easy on her. He was driving her like he does me. But to me, its easy.

I stepped to the left as Naruto aimed another punch. He stumbled and swung his right leg at my feet. I jumped and rested my hands on his shoulders, flipping myself, and landing on my feet behind him, and then tossing his body over me and hard on the ground.

"Woah!" I heard Sakura gasp.

"There's time to back out." I rested my right knee in the center of Naruto's back, his arms locked behind him and held by my hands.

"Argh!!" I smiled and got up off the poor blonde. Holding out my hand, Naruto took it and I helped him up.

"Alright. Now Sakura and Miyu, you both will go with Tazuna to the bridge. You two keep working." Sensei instructed.

Sakura smiled and skipped to my side. "Let's go." I turned back to the boys and waved. "So since were going with Tazuna, do you think we can talk again?"

"I suppose." I pursed my lips and stared up at the sky as we started walking.

I didn't really listen when Sakura started talking. My mind just wandered to my brother... No not Sasuke...

Where are you... Itachi-nii?

Ayame: Gomenasai for taking so long to up dat minna-san!

Kitty: I'm sure they understand and forgive you.

Ayame: But still... I feel bad for not updating sooner!

Kitty: Don't worry Aya-chan! We forgive you! Right guys? ..... Guys?

Ayame: Anyway! Whatcha think? Also, I appologize that its shorter than the other chapters!

Kitty: It is a bit shorter... isn't it.

Ayame: Yeah it is, anyway we have an adorable Panda to send us off!

Gaara: .....

Kitty: Come on Panda-chan!

Gaara: *glares at Kitty* Aya-chan does not own Naruto.

Ayame: Awww he called me by my nickname! ^\\^ *fan girl squeals*

Gaara: Comment Vote and Run -_-

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