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Miyu's pov.


I took a deep breath, looking around at my surroundings. Then down at my own body, now dressed in a pure white mid-thigh length dress with spaghetti straps, and simple black flats.

"What...?" Looking around again, I realized I was in some sort of meadow. Gorgeous. There was a river in front of me, trees surrounding me, and a bright blue sky. "This place... is beautiful." I whispered.

The scenery around me changed to one of dark, torch lit hallways with rural carvings. Water surrounded my feet, and my dress stayed. I admit I was scared for a split second before curiosity got the best of me. "Hello?" I called out as if someone would actually answer. "Helloo?"

I started moving, the water swishing around my ankles as I took each step. Turning a corner, I came upon a large cell. There was a flash of yellow and I had to squinch my eyes to realize that the yellow, was a pair of eyes staring down at me. There was an emotion I couldn't place.

"Wake up." I frowned, reaching my hand out. "Wake up, Miyu." The deep raspy voice said again. I was about to touch something and then there was a bright light.

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