No Name Chapter

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Naruto stared down at the sleeping girl. He had finally been told that she was sick. Of course, Kakashi had been very hesitant to tell him, seeing as Jiraiya spread the news to himself and the Hokage about Miyu being the mate of the nine tails. He was worried how they would take the news that the girl was unconscious due to fever.

The blonde let out a sigh. It had taken an extreme amount of begging and pleading to be able to just sit with Miyu. Sasuke had forbidden anyone but Kakashi from seeing her.

Of course, it was what he knew best.

When they were younger, Miyu was almost always bedridden and sick with fever. It had started when she was a baby. Most doctors, or anyone in the medical field never gave her much longer when she became ill. But of course, Miyu refused to be taken down so easily and had proved everyone wrong. 

It was around that time, that their parents began confining the girl to the compound, never allowing her to leave unless she had a specific escort assigned by them, in case something happened. That was also how she met Kakashi originally, though she was to young to remember. However, he was banned from seeing her when she turned five, due to things happening within the Uchiha clan.

By the time she was seven, she showed signs of becoming stable with her health, so she was allowed to begin training. If it wasn't for that positive spike in her health, however, she would have never become a ninja at all. But as time went on, she became ill again after a few months of being healthy. Though Kakashi was unable to see her, he kept tabs on her, seeing as he became somewhat attached to the child.

All of this information had been given to Naruto, told to him by his sensei. Kakashi had thought it would be a somewhat reassuring to tell Naruto that this was normal. But, it didn't work.

Naruto refused to believe it. But as time went on, he began replaying the information over in his head until he realized it was true. All of it. But he knew this time was different than any other time Miyu became ill.

This time, she showed no signs of recovering

He now understood why Sasuke was the way he was with his sister. She was fragile, though she would never show any sign of weakness until the very last minute.

"Dobe," Naruto snapped from his thoughts, his head jerked to face the door where his team mate stood, leaning against the frame. "How is she?" Sasuke asked, his eyes focused on his sister.

Naruto looked away. He felt like crying. The only girl he loved was sick, with no signs of getting better, and there was nothing he could do about it. "No changes." He answered quietly.

Sasuke glanced at the blonde, extremely curious as to why he cared so much. Up until a few months ago, they hadn't had anyone they could really depend on. Not that they would have anyway. Miyu, maybe, but definitely not him.

"Hn." Was the answer given. Sasuke stepped inside the room and kneeled beside the bed, taking hold of the wash cloth on Miyu's forehead. He dipped it into the bowl of ice water sitting on the floor next to the bed, and wrung it out before relaying it upon her head.

Naruto watched with interest, barely noticing the sad look in his friends eyes. Normally, he'd be to busy doing something to take the time to notice. But now that he was sitting there, he could see it. Sasuke was silently hoping  his sister would wake up, probably more desperately than he did.

Both boys sat there for awhile, only moving to look at the door as it opened, revealing Kakashi. "I think its time we take her to the hospital." The older man stated, his hands shoved in his pockets and his uncovered eye watching his students.

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