Its Been A Long Time

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Miyu's pov.

We stopped after walking for awhile. It was a small prayer shrine on the side of the road. Jiraiya slumped down in the grass to the side, while Naruto played with the bells. I just stayed standing, leaning against a light post, my eyes closed.

Two chakra signatures sat to the east. Far, but not far enough to be out of my range. I let out a sigh, opening my eyes to find Naruto sitting on his clones shoulders, jingling the bells.

"Careful, your going to get yourself cursed." Jiraiya warned. I chuckled, watching as Naruto only tugged the bells streamers harder.

"Yeah right!" Naruto scoffed, grinning. Merely seconds later, Naruto fell to the ground... wrapped in the bells streamers. "Ah!" He yelped as he wiggled, trying to break free.

"See? Cursed." Jiraiya laughed. Naruto groaned.

"Help me out here!" He whined. I sighed, smiling as I kneeled beside him, and searching for the end of the streamer.

"I don't understand how you always end up like this..." Finally, I found the end of the ribbon and began undoing it.

"He does?" I nodded, finally setting Naruto free, only to have arms wrap around me and pull me into his lap. "Huh."

"He always gets stuck somehow." I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to stifle a giggle. "Its a normal occurrence."

"That's mean." Naruto pouted, sticking out his lower lip. My cheeks heated a bit and I squealed feeling his fingers trailing down my sides. I'm very ticklish.

"Gah! S-St-Stop!" I laughed, trying to wiggle away. "Th-That t-tick-tickles!"

"Alright you two. Time to go." Jiraiya stood, and hopped down to the trail. Naruto stopped tickling me, and stood up, pulling me to my feet as well.

He intertwined our fingers and lifted my hand, pressing a kiss to my fingers, eyes as watching me as we started after Jiraiya. My face flushed and my heart raced inside my chest and Naruto grinned.

The chakra's began moving, like they were following us. I stopped abruptly, feeling eyes on me, I turned, my eyes narrowed as I looked back where I felt them.

"Miyu?" Naruto asked, tugging my hand gently. "Love, what's wrong?" An arm wrapped around my waist, and my gaze drifted to the blondes face. I placed my free hand on his chest, sighing.

"Its nothing." I smiled softly. "Come on. We're going to be left behind." Naruto nodded, and kissed my forehead before turning and following after Jiraiya, who still hadn't stopped.


"Alright, we'll be staying here tonight." Jiraiya announced after checking in with the... check in... person..

"Oh." I breathed, and then turned to the boys, to see Jiraiya staring adult s girl who was winking at him. Naruto was looking, but not at her. His eyes were trained on me, making my cheeks flush in embarrassment.

"Here's the key, now you two go to the room and practice chakra meditation or something! I'll be back in a little while!" Jiraiya dropped the key into Naruto's hand, making the blonde yell out in protest as the Sannin left, guiding the girl away.

"Dumb Pervy sage." Naruto muttered. I raised an eyebrow and looped my arm through my boyfriends, leading him to the room and snatching the key from him. Unlocking the door, I slipped off my shoes and collapsed on the large bed farthest from the door.

I could hear Naruto chuckle, as my eyes were closed. The bed dipped and hands settled on either side of me. My eyes slowly drifted open to Naruto hovering above me, a smile on his lips. "I have you all to myself now." He whispered, leaning down, just brushing his lips against mine.

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