Battles and Blushes

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Miyu's pov.

I let out a yawn as I made my way to the dining room. Upon entering I notice everyone but Naruto is present. "Morning, Miyu." I blinked as Inari wrapped his tiny arms around me.

"Oh. Good morning, Inari." I gave a soft smile and his cheeks went from normal to blazing red. Weird. "Where's Naruto?" I asked, removing Inari's arms and sitting next to Sakura. We had gotten closer lately and it was kind of nice to have a girl to talk to.

"He didn't come back last night." Sensei answered, not bothering to look up from his book. I stood and stretched.

"I'm going to look for him." I said and left the house, ignoring the protests of a certain boy *cough* Sasuke *cough*. I covered my mouth, stifling a yawn, and quickly entered the clearing where we had been training. "Not here." I wrapped my arms around myself. "Its cold this morning."

I barely noticed two people as I walked past. But I froze, seeing a dark long haired boy about to wrap his fingers around Naruto's neck. "Wake up. You'll catch a cold if you sleep here." He said softly. I slowly approached the boy and knee led beside him.

"Who are you?" He looked up, not surprised at all by my appearance. Instead he smiled.

"My name is Haku." His big doe eyes weren't lying. "What is your name?"


Haku's smile widened and he glanced at Naruto who was still sound asleep. "I was trying to wake him, but it isn't working." He sighed.

"He's a heavy sleeper." I explained. I leaned across Haku and pressed close to Naruto's ear, my voice barely above a whisper. "Naruto, Sasuke took all the ramen and is burning it." Naruto sprang up, and fell back, his arms and legs flailing, and knocking me of balance... and straight on top of him..

That was when we both froze, our eyes locked on each other and a blush definitely staining my cheeks. I couldn't tell if Naruto was blushing, but I doubt he wasn't. I slowly lifted myself, careful not to hurt him, and sat on my knees by Haku, the blush never leaving my face.

"Are you alright?" Haku laughed. I nodded and lowered my head, trying to hide my flushed face from the boys. Haku just had to push, because he lifted a lock of my hair and tucked it behind my ear. "Beautiful girls shouldn't hide their face." He glanced at Naruto. "Don't you agree?" Naruto was staring at me wide eyed, but nodded.

"Say! What are you doing out here anyway, sis?" Naruto stared Haku down. Did he just call Haku... a girl? I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to stifle a giggle that was threatening to escape. Haku smiled in my direction.

"I'm picking herbs." He moved his basket closer.

"Herbs?" Naruto wondered out loud.

"Naruto, you can use herbs to make medicines." I imputed. Haku nodded, and we somehow ended up picking herbs together. Naruto kept glancing at me while he talked to Haku, who listened carefully.

"May I ask... Are you two.. together, perhaps?" My eyes widened and I glanced at Haku who looked genuinely curious.

"No! Its nothing like that! Were just ninjas on the same team!" Naruto exclaimed. And for some reason... my heart hurt when he said it.. even though its true... it hurt.. just those words... as true as they are... made my heart shatter..

"So your a ninja to, Miyu?" I nodded. "That's amazing. I'm sure your very strong." Haku must have noticed the look of hurt on my face because he reached over and squeezed my hand. Naruto seen only the action and glared at Haku's hand. I wonder why. He didn't even classify  us as friends..

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