You Are the One (Part 3)

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*Dinobot's POV*

Dinobot patiently waits for Y/n and Airrazor to finish singing so he could get a chance to talk to Y/n about what is happening to him. His spark continues to pulse in time to Y/n's voice as she sings. There were a couple issues with her being is spark mate. One: She's still recovering from a bad break-up from her ex-boyfriend and two: Dinobot wasn't sure if it was possible to spark bond with a human. He'd have to ask Rhinox or Optimus Primal for advice. Once Y/n was done singing, she steps off of the stage and walks over to Dinobot. "You could have told me you were dressing up as a Daedra, Y/n," said Dinobot.

"I wanted to keep it as a surprise. I see you've gone as Reaper," said Y/n.

Dinobot nods his head. "Yeah. So how'd you get your Daedric armor?"

"Its actually my brother's. I had him make the adjustments needed so it could fit me. And as for the face paint, I called ina favor fron Waspinator. Actually I offered to take her shopping one of these days if she'd help me out with painting my face and of course, she agreed." Y/n takes off her horns from her head. "So what's up with you? I noticed you kept your eyes on me during the whole performance."

"I actually need to talk to you. Its something important. I..." Dinobot didn't know how to tell Y/n that she was his spark mate.

"Can it wait til later. I need to change out of this armor before I end up getting heat exhaustion." Y/n starts to take off the Daedric armor.

"So how in the hell did you get that on in the first place?"

"Waspinator helped me out," replies Y/n with a smirk.

"So that's why Waspinator was talking in riddles," said Dinobot. "But I still need to talk to you."

"Like I said it can wait til later. Like I said I need to get out of this armor before I get heat exhaustion." Y/n walks away, still struggling with the armor.

"Why does it feel like I just been friend-zoned," groans Dinobot. He decides to head home and hopefully be able to talk to Rhinox about what can be done to have Y/n become his spark mate.

Later that night, around midnight, Rhinox finally returns home from work. He goes into the kitchen and turns the lights on, only to end up jumping slightly in fright. Dinobot was sitting at the table, staring at him, giving Rhinox the daggers of death. "Okay there are only two reasons you stare like that. One: Someone pissed you off. Two: Something bad happened. What happened this time, Dinobot?" Rhinox asks.

"No one pissed me off and nothing bad happened. I just found out earlier that Y/n is my spark mate," said Dinobot.

"What happend?" Rhinox asked.

"At the Halloween party, I ended up bumping into her. I didn't know it was her at the time because she was wearing Daedric armor. After that I started to hear a faint heartbeat. It got increasingly more louder and clearer sounding. How I know it was Y/n, while listening to her sing, my spark pulsed in time to each note of the song. It's to the point where it is driving me crazy!" Dinobot hits his head against the table and pulls at his hair. "This feeling...why did it have to be her...why couldn't it have been a Cybertronion..."

"If she was from planet Cybertron, you two could have melded your sparks together to completely become spark mates. But seeing as she is human, I can only see three possibilites. One: We give her a transfusion of your energon blood. But even I would not advise that since it has not been tested as to what he will happen."

"True. Even Tarantulas won't even do that. He's the crazy scientist and even he knows that's inhumane to a human. He'd experiment on samples of human blood to get test results but never on a live subject..." Dinobot mumbles.

"Two: You have sex with her. It's possible that may do the trick to complete the spark bond."

Dinobot looks up at Rhinox and growls, a low threatening growl that would have even scared Megatron himself. "Do I need to remind you she got raped by her ex?! I will not resort to that! She just recently got comfortable to sit in the same room as me with no one else in the room with us. I am not ruining that trust!"

"There is one last option. You could give her a piece of your spark. But that's not even the tricky part. You need to figure out a way to make it so it will stabilize so the fragment you give her will not hurt her, or worse kill her."

"I'll figure out a way," said Dinobot before he leave the kitchen.

Rhinox watches Dinobot leave. "Its only a matter of time before we all find our spark mates," said Rhinox

It was around five o'clock in the morning when Dinobot is woken up with a sudden idea. Gets out of bed and leaves his room. He goes down the hallway and stops in front of Rattrap's room. He pounds on the door. "Open up, vermin!"

Rattrap opens the door, barely even awake himself. "What do you..." Rattrap yawns. " What do you want, chopperface?"

"I need your help making a necklace. A necklace with a crystal pendent," said Dinobot.

Rattrap smiles. He knew what Dinobot wanted to do. "So you'd figure out that Y/n is your spark mate. So what do you need the pendant for?"

"To make her my spark mate. To make her mine. I don't want to ruin what has built between Y/n and I."

"Okay I'll help you out. But you have to ask Y/n on a date now," said Rattrap before he goes back to bed.

The next morning, Dinobot wakes up early. He had to go buy Y/n a simple gift in order to ask her out. He stops by the flower shop and buys a single white rose. Then he heads to Y/n's house.

Y/n was asleep when she hears knocking on the door. She gets out of bed and runs the sleep from her eyes. She heads downstairs, stepping around Hamilton,  who was asleep on the steps. She goes to the front door and opens it. She was surprised to see Dinobot. "Morning..." she yawns. "What's this about?" Y/n asks.

Dinobot hands Y/n the rose. "I know we've had a rough start but we've slowly became friends. I was wondering..." Dinobot was having a hard time finding the right words.

"Dinobot? What's going on?" Y/n was starting to get hesitant.

"I know we've been friends for quite a while already. I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me?" Dinobot asks with a slight smile. A smile, filled with warmth and longing.

Y/n looks at the white rose in her hand. It was wrapped in blue and gold paper with a bit of plastic, to provide some protection to the flower. Y/n didn't know how to answer Dinobot's request.

Melting a Heart of Ice (Beast Wars Dinobot AU x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now