Being with You (Part 2)

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*Dinobot's POV*

Dinobot wakes up early the next day. It was five in the morning and it was Christmas Day. There was a chill in the air from last night's blizzard and he could tell that Hamilton was asleep at his feet beneath the blanket. It all felt like a dream to him. After all these years he didn't expect to find his spark mate and he had found her, Y/n. At first he thought she was nothing more than an annoyance but once he got to know her, he found out she was more than what he thought was just an annoyance. He pulls Y/n closer to him, who was still dead alseep. He mentally laughs. Considering what had gone on the night before, she needed the sleep...well they both did but, despite trying to break the habit, he still woke up early in the morning. Dinobot wanted to stay the way they were, in bed without a care in the world. He just wanted to enjoy Y/n just being near him. He breathes in her scent, now mixed with his own, closes his eyes and relishes the peaceful moment they have before the calm of the storm.

Dinobot, for once in his life, could safely say he can finally let his guard down and relax. He looks down at Y/n who was stirring her sleep. Through their newly strengthened bond, Dinobot could tell it wasn't a nightmare. Her body was just getting restless and she was trying not to wake up. "Just sleep for right now. I'll wake you up when its time." Dinobot gets out of bed and tucks the blanket around Y/n to keep her warm. He glances around their bedroom and sees that their clothes were scattered around the room. "Guess we got a little crazy last night." He finds a clean pair of boxers and sweat pants and puts them on. He makes his way downstairs and into the kitchen. "The least I could do is surprise her with some breakfast at least. But first..." Dinobot heads back upstairs to grab his phone. That way, if it does ring, it won't be able to disturb Y/n's rest. He quickly but quietly heads back downstairs. "Now the question is what to make...."   After a bit of thought, he decides to make chocolate chip waffles with vanilla. While Dinobot was busy making the batter for the waffles, his phone rings. He answers it, thinking to himself it was rather odd that someone was calling at this time of morning. "Hello?"

"Yo, chopperface. How you've been doing?"

Dinobot growls, instantly recognizing the voice on the other end of the line. "What do you want, vermin?"

"Just wanted to let you know that you and Y/n are invited to the Christmas party tonight. But also to be careful. Silverbolt said he hasn't seen Rampage in a while. Thought I'd give you the heads up."

"So when did this party get planned? I wasn't told about it or anything until you told me about it just now," growls Dinobot.

"Y/n planned it for all of us. Last week while you were at work, she called all of us over and I mean all of us. Predicons included as well. Y/n's reason is that no one should spend Christmas alone and she does have a point. She arranged for us to rent a cabin large enough to host the party for the night."

Dinobot was silent. Y/n had gone behind his back and planned a party for everyone to celebrate at. He got to thinking that it won't be a bad idea to go.

"You okay, chopperface?"

"Yeah, Rattrap...I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine. You sound different. Promise not to get mad at me but is it because you were able to do the sparkbond with Y/n?"

"Yeah. So far she's doing alright. But only time will tell how it will affect a human."

"The party starts at six. Megatron will or Blackaracnia will be coming to pick you guys up. Just to be on the safe side. Also, don't do anything to ruin your bond with Y/n. She's the best thing to ever happened to you. You ruin that bond, I will hurt you."

Dinobot laughs. "Is that a threat?"

"Yes it is, Dinobot. She brought us together as friends. Usually we'd all be fighting about something stupid today. But if you haven't noticed even Megatron and Optimus Primal are getting along better then ever, even before when we were back on Cybertron."

"You do have a point. See you at the party, vermin."

"You too, chopperface."

Dinobot hangs up on his end of the call and thinks over what he had just heard.

*Y/n's POV*

Y/n was slowly starting to wake up. She could smell waffles being made in the kitchen. Her stomach growls at the thought of freshly made waffles. "Smells good..." Y/n mumbles to herself as she stretches. She feels the bed shift s bit and could easily tell who it was before being pulled into his embrace.

"I wanted you to sleep in this morning. But I guess that's not happening now. How are you feeling?" Dinobot asks before pulling Y/n closer to him, enjoying the moment they shared.

"A little sore but I'll manage," said Y/n before she yawns.

"I told you I wouldn't hurt you. But with your case, it was trust rightfully earned." Dinobot kisses Y/n on her neck, making her squeak. He laughs and kisses her in the same spot again. "If you want...we could...," said Dinobot in between kisses.

"Later, okay? I want to eat and open up the gifts that are under the tree." Y/n turns to look Dinobot in the eyes before blowing a puff of air in his face, causing him to flinch back. "Besides we have the next day off from work so we have all the time in the world to spend together."

"You do have a point. I'll see you downstairs in the kitchen then." Dinobot leaves the room.

Y/n watches Dinobot leave and gets out of bed. She stretches, a couple of bones popping, relieving the tension from the night before. She gets dressed and ties the newly acquired necklace she had gotten the night before, around her neck. It was an energon crystal, refined to its processed form. Shaped into a crystal-like shape. Inside it, a light pulsed between purple and green, for it contained a small fragment of Dinobot's spark. The energon crystal was attached to a leather cord, wrapped in silver and diamond filament. When Y/n asked Dinobot what the cord was made of, Y/n was shocked. All Dinobot told her was that Rattrap was pretty resourceful at times. After getting dressed, she heads downstairs and into the kitchen. The smell of waffles hung in the air. "Morning." Y/n sits down at the table.

Dinobot sets downs plate of waffles and sits down across from her. "So when did you get this party arranged? Rattrap told me you somehow managed to get everyone together to plan it out."

"It wasn't easy. Considering the kind of past that Megatron and Optimus Primal have between each other. I ended up spending a total of six hours listening to everyone's story. How they got here and their take on the war back on Cybertron. After that I told them it was rather foolish to still fight a war when there were other things to put their focus on."

"You yelled at them pretty much, right?" Dinobot takes a bite of waffles, syrup dribbles a bit down his chin.

"Yeah I did. Had to put my foot down on the whole thing. I rather not have anyone fighting during the holidays. Plus I kinda scared Megatron and heard him mumble about 'Femmes can be pretty scary at times'.

After they finish eating, Dinobot and Y/n open their gifts that were under the tree. Dinobot got a few t-shirts, one of them being tie dye, a leather jacket, a tin of homemade fudge from Y/n'sync parents and a few other things. Y/n got some new pajamas, some japanese candy, a collapsible bo staff, tea, chocolate. After opening gifts, Y/n manages to convince Dinobot to help make Christmas cookies to bring to the party. Even with his help, Y/n still enjoyed spending time with him.

Melting a Heart of Ice (Beast Wars Dinobot AU x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now