Good to see you Again

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*Three years later*
*Y/n's POV*

Three years has gone by since the death of Dinobot. Some were able to move on from the greif while others were not, or would rather take their time grieving over his death. Y/n was one of the ones who still found it hard to move on. Even though it has been three years, she still hasn't moved on to be with someone else. Even though her and Dinobot did sparkbond, being with someone else just didn't feel right.

Y/n had just got home from a long day at work. Over the three years, she managed to become manager at the coffee and was running it most days. She still had to deal with customers like the employees did, but at least being a manager she can be able to put her foot down on the nonsense that customers tried to get free stuff. Y/n heads inside her house. It was quiet now. Cheetor was working late again. Y/n had let Cheetor moved in two years ago after her herself having a nasty run-in with Rampage. Cheetor felt it was best to have someone else live with her just to make sure she stayed safe. Let's just say that Rampage now knows better than to cross Y/n on a bad day. Y/n gets out of her car and heads to the front door of her home, remotely locking the car doors behind her. "Three years to the day once tomorrow is here. I'll go by my some flowers to put on his grave in the morning." She unlocks the front door of her home. Once inside she was greeted by four cats, her Persian and Cheetor's three Ragdoll cats. All four cats were purring up a storm, begging to be fed. Y/n could help at their cuteness. "Let me take my shoes off guys and get in the door first before I feed you."

Y/n takes her shoes off. "Cheetor will be home later, guys. He'll give you your treats then," said Y/n as she pets one of the Ragdolls. She heads upstairs to her room and flops down on the bed. Some days it was still hard not to cry remembering Dinobot. "Just try to make it to tomorrow, okay?" Y/n rolls over on the bed so her face was touching the sheets. "I should try to move on after tomorrow. It's no use staying stuck in the past." She pushes herself off of the bed and undressed out of her work clothes. She dresses into a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants to use as her pajamas for the night. Y/n falls back down onto the bed again and covers herself up under her blankets. "A new day starts tomorrow." She closes her eyes, trying to relax her body, so she could fall asleep.

*Cheetor's POV*

It was around midnight by the time he had gotten done with work. He fidgets with his house keys while trying to talk on the phone, trying to get into the house. "Your sure this is a good idea? He's been gone for three years. He's not even the same person so what makes you think she will know its him?' Cheetor asks in hushed voice as he unlocks the door and enters the house that he and Y/n share.

"She will know its him," said Taranchulas. "In her heart she will know. Love usually never makes you forget the ones you loved the most in your life."

"I hope you are right. So when are we expecting Dinobot to be over?"

"In the morning. He should be there around the time Y/n wakes up. That is if she doesn't try to sleel in again."

"I don't blame here. Bad enough a lot has happened in the three years since Dinobot's death. But I know a lot of us will be glad to see he's back, especially Rattrap." Cheetor heads inside and heads upstairs to his room, being careful not to wake Y/n.

It was seven o'clock in the morning when Y/n wakes up to get ready for work. Since she was now manager at the cafe, it was her responsibility to make sure that the place was still running, besides the district manager of course. She gets out of bed, her bare feet touching the cold floor, waking herself up the rest of the way. She makes her way to the bathroom to shower. Unbeknownst to her, a guest was soon arriving and she'll find out soon who it is. If didn't take long for Y/n to finish her shower. She heads downstairs to the kitchen and finds Cheetor making breakfast.

"Do you ever get a day off from work?" Cheetor teases.

"I have one tomorrow, brat," said Y/n with a smile. She didn't mind picking on Cheetor or him picking on her. It was the little things in life that made her smile, despite what had happened three years ago.

*Dinobot's POV*

Dinobot sneaks into the house and creeps towards the kitchen. He sees Cheetor give him a side glance to check to see if he was there but subtle enough not to alert Y/n. He quietly sneaks up behind her, putting his hands over her eyes. "Guess who?" What happened next caught him completely off guard. Y/n ducks out from beneath Dinobot's arms, hits him in the gut, and then punches him in the face. Dinobot falls to the kitchen floor. He see her eyes widen in horror when she realized he wasn't a threat. "If you wanted to play rough, we could take it to another room." He wipes the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Joking aside, you've gotten quicker. Didn't expect to give you quite the fright," said Dinobot.

"Who are you?" Y/n asks.

"I've been gone for three years and you don't even remember me? Shame on you, Y/n. Our bond is still there despite the fact you no longer have my spark fragment."

It takes Y/n a few seconds to realize who it was. She helps him up off the floor.

*Y/n'a POV*

After Dinobot was to his feet, Y/n slaps him across the face. "How could you! How could you die like you did?!" After her slight break down, Y/n pulls Dinobot into her embrace. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to slap you."

"Its alright. I know you are pretty angry over the fact I died. But I'm here now and that's what mattered. You better give work a call and tell them you'll be a few minutes late."

"I don't want to work today. I want to be here with you."

"We got all the time in the world now to spend together. Just one more day of separation isn't going to hurt," said Dinobot. He watches her leave the kitchen to give the cafe a call to tell the other manager on shift that she'll be late. He looks over at Cheetor. "You need to tell me what the hell happened while I was gone," said Dinobot.

"I plan on it, old friend," said Cheetor with a smile.

Melting a Heart of Ice (Beast Wars Dinobot AU x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now