The Next Step

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*Y/n's POV*

*One week later*
*Y/n's POV*

Y/n and Dinobot get up early for the day. They needed a head start on the day since they were going to the greenhouse and floral shop where Botanica works at to order the floral arrangements for the wedding. As well they needed to figure out who was going to come to the wedding too. Y/n gets out of bed and shakes Dinobot on his shoulder. "Come on, sleepy head. Time to wake up," said Y/n.

Dinobot pulls the blanket over his head. "Five more minutes," mumbles Dinobot from underneath the blanket.

"Hey you wanted to get a head start on the day here. You said so yourself the other night you wanted to wake up early today. Its eight in the morning, Dinobot. I know you've woken up earlier that this. Besides if you do not wake up, I'll make you get out of this bed."

Dinobot laughs from beneath the blanket. "Is that a threat my dear?"

Y/n pinches the bridge of her nose. "We can fool around later. I just rather get this done with today so that way all we need to worry about the wedding six months from now."

"You did forget about the catering." Dinobot throws the blanket off of himself and gets out of bed. All he had on was a pair of boxers.

Y/n gets dressed while she waits for Dinobot. She glances back at him. "Is there anything else I'm forgetting?"

"Not really."

Y/n finishes getting dressed and patiently waits for Dinobot by the bedroom door. "Do you want to eat first or head to the greenhouse and then eat?"

"We should eat first. Rather not be hungry while looking at flowers."

"Couldn't have agreed more." Y/n heads downstairs. She gets a bowl and a box of cereal from the cupboard. She didn't feel very hungry that morning. After a few minutes, Y/n hears Dinobot come down the stairs following by a second set of quicker feet from their cat Hamilton.

"Found the cat," said Dinobot as he picks up Hamilton before he comes into the kitchen.

"Where was he this time?"

"Sleeping on my shirts."

"He missed you. The first week you were gone, he wandered around the house  meowing, looking for you."

"I know. He wouldn't leave me alone my first night back here."

Y/n pours herself a bowl of cereal and gets the hug of milk from the fridge. "Funny on how I look back on when we first met, we really didn't get along. The only time we got along was when we played video games together."

"I know. It was because I seen you on equal grounds. But I wasn't expecting you to be my sparkmate when I found out on Halloween three years ago. I wasn't even looking for anyone. The last relationship I had before I had met you didn't end well." Dinobot grabs himself a bowl from the cupboard and puts himself a bowl of cereal as well. "The girl ended up cheating on me after four months. Hadn't looked too kindly on what happened after that even though Rattrap tried to play matchmaker with us."

"I'm glad Rattrap did play matchmaker for us. Most likely we would have still met each other but it would have been later on."

"Most likely your ex would have gotten a hold of you. Speaking of which what happened to him?" Dinobot sits down next to Y/n.

"He's still in jail. Where he will rot for the rest of eternity."

*Dinobot's POV*

Thirty-five minutes later Dinobot and Y/n arrive at the green house. Dinobot heads inside. Y/n follows shortly afterwards.

Botanica sets down a flower pot at the counter before walking over to them. "Good to see you guys again. Here to chose the flowers for the floral arrangements for the wedding?"

"We are. Can we see some of the catalogues for ideas, please?" Y/n asks.

"I'll go get them. In the mean time feel free to look around at the flowers to get some ideas," said Botanica before she disappeared into the back.

Dinobot and Y/n go their separate ways to look at the flowers. Dinobot pulls out a note pad and pen to write down a list of flowers as ideas for the floral arrangements. After a few minutes Y/n returns to Dinobot's side. "Got a list written down as well." He takes a quick glance at what Y/n had written down. "Seems like we have different ideas."

"Seems so. Let's give our lists to Botanica and then we can work from there."

Botanica returns from the back with a few catalogues. "How about we head back to my office and we can decide how you guys want the floral arrangements." Botanica leads Dinobot and Y/n back to her office. "So what have you guys decided on for the arrangements?" She closes the door to her office after Dinobot and Y/n sat down at her desk.

"We both have made lists of flowers we want to use," said Y/n. She hands both hers and Dinobot's lists to Botanica.

Botanica takes both lists from Y/n and looks them over. She sits down. "From the looks of the lists, you both have chosen a different variety of flowers. You'll both have to decide on what you want to use for the wedding."

After a bit of arguing with Y/n, they both decide on what they wanted to do for the arrangements. After everything was done, it was twelve in the afternoon. After they got home it was time to decide who was going to be invited to the wedding. "So who do you want to come to the wedding?"

"My parents, my brother, both the Maximals and Predicons," said Y/n.

"Can't forget about Megatron's sparkmate and her kids."

"True. But what about Depthcharge?"

"He's not really much the social type. He's kinda a loner and prefers to do his own thing. We'd be lucky even if Tigertron comes to the wedding."

"I'm sure he'll come. So that makes seventeen people coming to our wedding."

"We will have to hire security for the wedding do that Rampage doesn't try to crash it."

"I'd rather not deal with him again. Just once was enough for me."

"Try being Depthcharge. He's been hunting for Rampage for years. Those two have fought on plenty of occasions." Dinobot kicks back on the couch. "Dont forget to call the catering company. But first we need to send out the invitations."

"I knew I was forgetting something," said Y/n. She leans up against Dinobot, using his shoulder as a pillow. "Then after that we call the catering company once we get all the RSVPs."

"Then how about after that..." Dinobot kisses Y/n. "How about in the meantime we figure out where we can go for the honeymoon."

"How about somewhere where's there's a beach like the Bahamas?"

"We have time to decide. We could go Hawaii."

"That would be nice."

Dinobot turns the TV. He turns it to a random movie channel. The movie The Cat Returns was. "How about we have a Studio Ghibli movie marathon while we write up the invitations?"

"Sounds good," said Y/n with a smile.

Dinobot was just happy to spend time with Y/n. He wouldn't have it any other way.

Melting a Heart of Ice (Beast Wars Dinobot AU x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now