The Big Day (Part 1)

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*Y/n's POV*
*Six months later*

Today was the big day for Y/n and Dinobot. Y/n has been counting down the days and crossing them off on the calander. Everyone had to get up early and get ready for the big day. Y/n was already downstairs and had both Airrazor and Waspinator working on her hair. Blackaracnia was busy painting Y/n's nails. Y/n didn't mind her nails being painted but she absolutely refused to wear make-up. "Hard to believe this day is already here. Six months flew by," said Y/n.

"I know. Hard to believe Dinobot found his sparkmate but I'm glad you both ended up being together. To tell you the truth, I'd rather have you in his life than someone else," said Airrazor.

"Now why would you say that?" Y/n asks as she hands Airrazor a flower pin to put in her hair.

"You've had a more positive influence on Dinobot's life in a few short months than all the years we have had with him as friends," said Blackaracnia. "Besides even if you guys didn't get together when you did, you both would have found each other eventually."

Waspinator hands Y/n a hand mirror so she could see her hair. "How's this so far?" Waspinator asks.

Y/n takes the hand mirror and takes a look. "Its fine." She hands Waspinator another flower pin. This one was made as a silk flower. "Now that we have this out of the way. We need to work on getting me fitted into my dress."

"We'll head to my place. Can't risk Dinobot seeing your dress," said Blackaracnia. She picks up her car keys and heads out the door.

Y/n waits until everyone else was out of the house before locking the door. She sends Dinobot a quick text, telling him to get ready and that she was getting fitted into her dress. She quickly gets into Blackaracnia's car and sits down in the back seat while Waspinator sits down in the passenger seat and Airrazor sits down next to her. "Where's Silverbolt at?" Y/n asks.

"He'll be joining Dinobot to help him out for the wedding," said Blackaracnia.

Y/n noticed something was off with Blackaracnia. "You broke up with him, didn't you?"

"We managed to make our relationship work but because of Rampage and the fact that we are all pretty strained over the fact that he could show up at anytime, it put a strain on our relationship. We decided to take a break."

"Your still friends with him, right?"

"Yes we are still friends. Just because of what came between us, just because we broke up, doesn't mean we stop being friends."

*Dinobot's POV*

"I still think it's a mistake you broke up with Blackaracnia, Silverbolt," said Dinobot as Megatron helped him fit into his tuxedo. Only a few minor adjustments were needed.

"My job got in the way. I feel bad about it but we decided it would be best to take a break," said Silverbolt.

"Hopefully once Rampage is dealt with, things can go back to normal," said Rampage.

"What's normal for us anyways? Have you seen what's been happening to us?" Megatron asks jokingly.

"You mean finally finding the ones we belong with?" Dinobot steps away from Megatron and walks over to the full-length mirror that Megatron's fiance, Estella, had brought up from storage. "Not bad. I see you learned a few things, Megatron."

"Well when you got kids to take care of, you have to learn a few new things. Megan ripped her dress not long ago and Estella taught me how to fix the tear."

"How's things working out between you two?" Dinobot turns around to see what else needed to be worked on for final adjustments.

"So far everything has been working out. We are trying for a baby but she's still pretty uneasy about another miscarriage. Had to reassure her that I won't let that happen."

"So what caused her to have her first miscarriage? That is if you don't mind me asking." Dinobot quickly puts his tie on and fisnished tying it.

"Too much stress on the body I believe. I asked Rodney what happened and he told me the first job she had put too much stress on her."

"Ouch. Hopefully we won't have to deal with that when the time comes."

"I hope you have twins," said Megatron laughs.

Dinobot looks Megatron dead in the eyes, giving him the daggersof death. "Don't. Just don't. We don't need you to jinx us."

"Hey don't be surprised if Y/n does have twins. Think of it as a blessing."

"You do have a point," said Dinobot. He gets ready to leave. "Come on we need to leave and head to the park."

"Tell me again why we are not having the wedding in the church?" Silverbolt asks as he grabs his car keys.

"We decided on an outdoor wedding so that way there is no fighting over what church to go to," said Dinobot before he heads out the door.

*Y/n's POV*

Y/n was waiting for the wedding to start. She was in the closed off tent so that way there was no risk of Dinobot seeing her dress. Y/n's dad, Edward, walking into the tent.

"Hard to believe this day is already here," said Edward. "I still remember you still being a little kid. You were so cute back then." He looks up at his daughter and wipes the tears from her eyes and vice versa. "You look beautiful, Y/n."

"I'll always be your kid despite how old I am. You still be my dad despite how much you age as well." Y/n hugs her father. "I'm glad you are here."

Edward takes a step back to admire his daughter in her dress. "Now let's check things off. Something old," he takes off his gold chain that he wore around his neck and puts it around his daughter's neck. "Something new..."

Hellen, Y/n's mom, walks into the tent. "I have something to take care of something new." Hellen reaches into her purse and pulls out a jeweled tiger lily flower pin. She puts it in her daughter's hair. "I know you are about to say enough of the flowers but just let you mother add this final touch." She kisses Y/n on her cheek. "This is a truly a happy day."

"Now we need something borrowed," said Nick, Y/n's brother as hs walks into the tent. He takes off his class ring he had on and puts it on Y/n's ring finger on her right hand. "Now we got that taken care of. Looks like you already got the something blue taken care of with that dress you got there, Y/n." He hugs Y/n. "Tell Dinobot after the wedding if he ever makes you sad again, I'll pay him a visit."

"You don't have to worry about that anymore. Dinobot is here to stay now." With everything on the list: something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue, Y/n was ready to walk down the isle. "Today is the big day." She takes a deep breath to steady her nerves and gets ready. Edward takes his daughter's right hand. "Try not to cry, dad."

"No promises there, sweetie," said Edward before Nick and Hellen leave to take their seats.

The tent opens up and Y/n gets ready to step out. "Ready as I'll ever be." The wedding march begins to play.

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