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It was a dark night in the forest, leaves blew in the breeze and the light clouds covered the moon. The chirp of the nightlife filled the air and small bugs flew about, minding their own business in the calmness of the night.

However, the land was disrupted by running, the night music turned into panting as a (A/T) hurried through the thick trees. She held a small, yet powerful gem that glowed a bright gold, making the wind pulse with energy.

The (A/T) tripped over a tree root with a yelp, and she dared look back at the people that followed. Many men dressed in dark suits and holding dangerous weapons chased after her, all with the hopes of retrieving the golden treasure.

Scrambling to her feet, the (A/T) continued her sprint, her breath heavy as she ran. After much running, she stopped to lean against a tree, the special item still close to her chest.

"I can't let them take this..." She mumbled to herself, catching her breath, "The forest will die if they take this."

A gunshot rang through the night and the (A/T) gasped. Their weapons were going to destroy the forest, their greed will run them to the end of this beautiful world. All because they want the gold treasure.

But what was this golden beauty? The object that only took shape of a crescent much like the moon on an off night. The object that held all life to the world, and when taken from his home could cause the destruction of all life.

And these chasers wanted it for their own. But the (A/T) won't have it. She cares too much about this planet and she knew that it would lead to hell if these people got their hands on the treasure.

-No... I can't let them have it!-

Another gunshot rang and she sprung out from her hiding place, taking off into the depths of the forest.

"There she goes!" One of the chasers yelled.

And they followed, now shooting at her in hopes to stop this mad running. But she never gave up. She didn't even flinch as the bullets whizzed past her head.

-I won't let them get their hands on this!-

She continued to yell in her mind. Another gunshot rang out and then silence. The (A/T)'s eyes widened at the burning pain in her back as she fell to the ground, still clutching the golden moon tightly.

-I... Can't...-

The men surrounded her, guns trained on her pain-filled body.

-I won't!-

She let out a scream as the pain enveloped her, spreading from her back to her shoulders, to her hands. The object started to glow brighter, and the men had to shield their eyes as the power pulsed around them.

However, the slight shock was soon changed to panic as trees erupted from the ground, wrapping around their bodies and hoisting them higher and higher into the air.

The girl sat on her hands and knees, staring at the ground as her body surged with the power of the golden object, and when her eyes opened, they shone the same gold.

"No one will get their hands on this! No one will ever take it! I will protect it until the forest dies, until the world ends!" She yelled.

By now the men had been silenced by the trees, and the power soon faded. The gold disappeared from the (A/T)'s eyes, and she collapsed, surrounded by the thick trees as if it were her new home. Blood seeped out from under her, and she willed herself to get up, to ignore the pain, ignore the light-headedness that started to take over her mind.

"I won't let anyone... Get their hands on this..." She grabbed onto the crescent object once again and stood shakily, looking around, "I ask the forest... For it's protection... And in turn... I will protect it..."

As if to answer her plea, the area then grew thick, and trees started to sprout from the ground, creating a dense wall around the (A/T). Her eyes fluttered, yet she stood tall, holding the crescent out as if offering it to the forest.

"Protect this... It's what keeps the world alive... Protect it with your life if you must... For I cannot go on..." She would have fallen over, if not for the vines that slowly crept up her legs and around her body. Slowly, she was encased in a cluster of vines and leaves.

However, as she closed her eyes, as she took her last breath, the golden object gave one last spurt of power, healing her and putting the (A/T) into a harmless, eternal sleep...

It was the wind's turn to whisper...

"You have saved us... And in turn we will save you... Guardian of the forest..."

Hey My Little Mobians!
So... Yes, this is quiet literally just the Shadow X Guardian!Reader from my Sonic Boys X Reader book. But it was so well written, I knew I'd have to use this exact scene for the prologue.

And yeah it was short, I tried to edit it but it seemed perfect enough, it does it's job, and I just hope the rest of the book is long as well.

Well, wish me luck guys!
Haven Out!!!

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