Chapter 9

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The two were once again on the move, walking through the thick green forest. The light shone through the leaves, leaving bright spots on the brightly coloured grass, occasionally it would get darker as the canopy thickened, and then the sun would bore down on them as they walked through small, cleared areas.

Tails had finally called them that morning with more information on the temple ruins, along with specific information on it's... 'Cloaking device' as Shadow had called it. (Y/N) Didn't understand what that meant until the dark hedgehog explained it's a camouflage, like chameleons.

Which made more sense to her.

But now, the (a/t) was walking silently behind Shadow, hugging the Crescent Moon to her chest. Shadow's backstory played in her mind; how he was created, immortal for all eternity, the young girl he was sworn to save, but ended up losing, the complete betrayal of the people that had funded his creation. How he had been asleep for 50 years. She finally knew that when he said he understood, he really did...

But one thing continuously played on her mind. The fact that G.U.N had turned on the scientists, how they wanted 'Project Shadow' stopped, how they were able to slaughter everyone there.

And Shadow had decided to work with them.

At first (Y/N) was confused. How could you work with people that caused so much pain? She had wanted to ask, but it was obvious Shadow knew what she was thinking, as he had told her more.

He sided with the aliens that shared the same blood, upon finding out they planned to destroy the planet, Shadow helped save it. He isn't sure why he chose to work with the people that killed the girl, but he was sure it was the right decision.

Until, of course, recently.

And that's why he had decided to help the (a/t), because he had promised the young child that he would protect this world, and that meant protecting the Crescent Moon. It was a little unnerving really, to think he changed sides so quickly to follow a promise. To follow what he believed to be right.

In fact, it got (Y/N) wondering...

"Hey... Shadow...?" She asked quietly as they walked.

"Hm?" He glanced back at her, "Yes, what is it?"

The (a/t) bit her lip, not sure if she should ask. Instead, she fell silent.

Shadow raised a brow, before stopping and turning to her. He folded the map away, making sure to turn his full attention on the gold-flecked (a/t).

"What is it?" He asked again. Did she feel faint? Maybe they should have rested for longer, they haven't eaten since the attack either. Was she hungry? Did she feel weak?

"It's nothing..." She offered a smile, before shaking her head, "Just silly questions, we should hurry to the ruins. The sooner this moon-thing is safe, the sooner we can..."

She stopped, and once again she found herself thinking, wondering....

What would she do when they finished this mission?

Similar questions from yesterday echoed silently, and she sighed. Tears pricked at her eyes again, but this time she didn't let them fall.

"Are you alright?" Shadow asked, now more concerned for the (a/t).

"I'm fine.." She smiled, "I just... I really want to get this moon to safety. The sooner the better."

"No question is silly." He said anyway, before nodding and turning away, "But alright, we'll keep moving."

The two continued in more silence, before the forest finally broke away, showing them a wide and open field. Dandelions and other various flowers waved as a cool breeze rolled over the landscape. Mountains were raised in the distance, looking purple against the bright blue sky.

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