Chapter 6

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NOTE: Some of the characters I have used in this chapter are completely fan-made and in no way tie to the Sonic universe (games and/or comics). These characters are purely for this story alone. Sonic, Shadow, Tails, Rouge, The Commander/the use of the name G.U.N, and Omega are all owned by SEGA, (Y/N) and any other characters mentioned are owned by me.

Sorry this note is so late into the story... I have put it into the story blurb. Anyway, enjoy the story!

After Shadow had made the call to Rouge and filled her in, he and Tails both disappeared into the large workshop out the back of the house. The two were interested in finding out the secrets to the Golden Moon, they wanted to know it's power before taking any other action.

However in doing that, they left the still sleeping (a/t) alone. Shadow didn't want to leave her alone considering her state of health, but Tails insisted that she'll be safe in the house.

"Sonic won't be gone that long anyway, if she wakes up he can keep her company." The fox stated, setting up a second chair at his messy desk.

"That's one thing I'm concerned about..." Shadow stated, taking a seat as the kitsune cleaned, "She's sensitive, he might be too much for her to handle right now."

"I suppose, but you can always deal with Sonic later, outside of the house if possible."

The hedgehog nodded, and Tails turned to him. He had a pen in one hand and paper in the other, "First I want you to explain the power you're feeling, we'll go from there."

Shadow nodded and held up the golden artefact. This might be a long day.

Meanwhile the (a/t) was starting to stir. She shifted on the couch slightly, before sitting up and rubbing her eyes. When she opened them, she noticed she was...

Well (Y/N) Didn't know where she was.

It was a room, but it looked... Weird...

There was a small table sitting on a strangely coloured animal skin; small objects sat on them, all completely new to the (a/t). A large black mirror sat on the other side of the room, with black and silver boxes sitting around it, they all had red lights on them, and black rope that disappeared behind the mirror.

She turned her gaze below her, she was sitting on a light blue bed of sorts, there was a smaller one to the side as well, and another smaller table between them.

What is this place?

The sound of someone arriving made (Y/N)'s ears perk and she sat alert. Someone walked into the room, a blue hedgehog similar to Shadow stood in front of her. He had bright green eyes and a smile on his peach muzzle. He looked oddly familiar, like a friend of hers.

"Hey sleeping beauty." He chuckled, walking over to her, "I heard you might be hungry, fancy a chilli dog?"

The (a/t) tilted her head slightly, "Cornelius...?"

"Nope! Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog!" He flashed a bright grin, before handing her a plate with some sort of food on it. It looked very unappetising, in fact the (a/t) didn't even know how to explain what it was.

"I take it Cornelius is a friend? If he looks anything like me he must be a handsome fellow." The hedgehog chuckled to himself, "Shadow's out the back with Tails, they're looking at that gold moon thing, is it really as dangerous as the Faker is making out?"


"A nickname for the broody hedgehog." Sonic chuckled.

"Oh... Where am I...?" (Y/N) asked, ignoring his own question, and putting the plate down. Whatever it was, she didn't fancy trying it at all.

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