Chapter 16

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Sunlight spilled into the strange room, shining over (Y/N) sleeping form. The bright light made the (a/t) stir, and she shifted, trying to hide her eyes from the blinding light. Eventually she gave up, sitting up and stretching with a yawn.

When she opened her eyes, the (a/t) was at first alarmed, but memories of escaping G.U.N and coming to this place settled her again. The room looked different to last night, it was brighter and the lights on the walls were off, looking almost invisible. The red-bricked walls seemed brighter in the sunlight, which also glinted off the black furniture and made the grey parts of the walls look orange.

It was... Very strange to the (a/t).

And then she realised she was alone. Shadow was nowhere to be seen. She remembers falling asleep with him sitting next to her, did he stay or leave straight away? And where was he? Had he left her to do the mission on his own?

The Commander's words echoed through her mind and her ears lowered. Even though Shadow told her that he had lied, it still seemed... Reasonable...

Until she moved her hand back and felt something. The (a/t) jumped, turning to see the Golden Moon was half hidden under the strange rug. She picked it up slowly, examining it. Shadow wouldn't have left this here, which means he hadn't abandoned her either.

The object felt heavy in her hands, the gold was cold against her hands. There was no overwhelming power coming from it. Had she just been around it long enough to adapt to the full force of it's ability? Or had something happened to it?

She turned it over in her hands, before closing her eyes and hugging it close. Nothing, not even a spark of energy. It was as if it was just gold.

A door opened and (Y/N) jumped again, hiding the artefact under the blanket and jumping to her feet.

"Easy, it's just me hun." The white bat from yesterday entered the room, what was her name again? "Sleep well?"

She watched the bat place a plate of delicious smelling food on a small table. She sat on the purple couch and motioned for the (a/t) to join her.

(Y/N) walked over cautiously, watching the bat in case she did anything. Shadow had mentioned that this girl worked with G.U.N, would she take her back to them? How could the (a/t) trust this stranger?

Then again she trusted Shadow, and he seems to trust the bat.

"You might want to eat. You have a big journey ahead of you." The bat offered a smile, "Shadow is in another room, going over that map Tails handed him. This place is full of secrets."

She tapped her ear, as if hinting at something, and the (a/t) tilted her head.

"Nevermind." The white bat chuckled, wrapping her arms across her chest, "So you're the girl Shadow has chosen huh?"

(Y/N) finally sat down, before digging into the food hungrily. She didn't realise just how hungry she was. Her ears perked as the question sunk in and she raised her head.


"Shadow, he won't admit it but he has the biggest crush on you."

"No he doesn't." The she-(a/t) dismissed her, "What is this food? It's very yummy."

"You've never had pancakes before?" The bat asked, raising a brow, "Oh hun, we need to sort you out huh?"

"You confuse me."

"I confuse a lot of people." The she-bat smiled, before leaning forward, "Listen, I have to tell you. Shadow's a hard nut to crack, honestly he's probably made of cement but... I know when he likes someone, and I know he likes you. Just trust me on that."

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