Chapter 12

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"Right, so what's the plan?" Shadow asked into an earpiece. He was currently standing outside of G.U.N HQ, after having stopped in at Club Rouge to get a few things. Both himself and Rouge had gotten back to the city safely, where they decided it would be best to suit up for battle with back up weapons Rouge had stored in her top secret storage room.

"We need to get the Crescent Life Source first." Rouge stated, she had stayed back at the Club, being the eyes in the sky from a safer distance and with technology at her fingertips.

"As long as I get (Y/N) as well, I couldn't care what order we do this in." The dark hedgehog said, eyes scanning the area, "But how are we going to infiltrate the building? I have a feeling the Commander is prepared for an attack."

"Of course he is. You'll use the vents first; they have the least amount of security."

"A rookie movie move." Shadow chuckled to himself, "Alright, I'm going to find an entry now."

"There's one a few metres away from you if that helps."

The hedgehog nodded to himself, before looking around the area. He spotted the air vent a few metres above his head, frowning to himself. How would he get up there? And quietly for that matter?

"I don't have wings like you, you know." He stated, before spotting a tree branch. Once he climbed the tree the hedgehog edged over, reaching out for the metal entrance.

"And I can't teleport." Rouge said in his ear.

"I can't either, if I had a Chaos Emerald then I could." He ran his fingers over the cool metal, before fishing in his quills for a screwdriver. A few moments later, and he had to catch the vent cover before it could hit the ground and alert everyone of his presence.

"Right, I have an eye on the Commander." The bat said, Shadow could hear her typing or clicking, "He's in the main control room, it looks like he's talking to some soldiers."

"Good, that means he's busy." Shadow huffed, "And away from (Y/N)."

He climbed into the vent, making sure to pull the metal cover back over the entrance and securing it in place. Once it looked like no one had messed with it, he started crawling down the long, narrow shaft. A cool breeze moved through his fur and his ears twitched against the smooth roof of the vent as he tried to focus on any noise.

Rouge informed him of a drop a few metres ahead, and the hedgehog was able to make it quietly into the next section of the vent. So far all was going well.

"I've located the Crescent Life Source." Shadow's partner stated, "Head right at the next fork, then follow that; there are two grates, one outside the door and another inside the room."

"Which should I exit out of?"

"I recommend outside the door, the room is wired so that any sort of movement that hasn't been authorised will set off an alarm."

"Are you working on that?"

"It would be too obvious if the system was shut down, it would come up as a warning in the control room."

"Right..." Shadow growled to himself, before turning right and heading down another vent; this one was much colder, causing a shiver to run through him, "What do you recommend I do then?"

"It looks like two soldiers are on their way to guard the door. I'm sure at least one of their faces will have authorisation to the room."

"Right, so take them out and use their identity."

"You know it."

Shadow nodded to himself, before stopping above the grate. His red gaze stared through the slits of metal, watching as two human soldiers took their places outside the door. They mumbled to themselves, causing his ears to twitch.

Guardian Of The Forest (A Shadow X Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now