Chapter 3

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It was quiet as the two strangers walked through the forest, with Shadow more or less carrying the weakened (a/t). The hedgehog was cautious as he walked, checking his surroundings every few minutes in case G.U.N had caught on and where already after them. Surely with the hedgehog not checking in, they would either be suspicious, or assume he was dead.

But this is Shadow, they know he wouldn't be killed so easily.

(Y/N) was looking around the forest as well, however for different reasons. The greenery looked different, the trees were older, the wildlife was not the wildlife she remembered. Everything was new, as if this was her first time being in this forest.

The (a/t) let out a small whine, her brain was sore from waking up, her body was exhausted from not being used for... How long was it? Her ears pressed back, taking in all the new details once again. The forest doesn't just change in a day, or a week, where was her family, her friends? Had they tried looking for her?

The silence droned on, and the hedgehog stopped, leaning (Y/N) against a large tree, "I can't carry you forever... Try walking again."

His voice was cold, demanding almost, and the (a/t) didn't want to upset someone like that. She closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind and remember how to function. Slowly, she pushed off the tree and stumbled forward.

Shadow held his arm out and caught her with a sigh, "Okay, I will carry you for a bit longer then..."

This time, however, he actually picked her up. (Y/N) yelped in surprise and clung to his form as he started walking again.

"We aren't safe out here." The brooding hedgehog stated, "We're going to have to hide, preferably before G.U.N come after us."

"G... U.N..." The (a/t) repeated, "You've... Mentioned them before... Are they the bad people...?"

"That depends on what you mean by bad people." Shadow shrugged, "I have a feeling to you they are bad, if you claim they were trying to kill you over this."

"Are they... The people that were chasing me...?"

"You said they were shooting at you?" The hedgehog glanced down at her, "Then yes, it was most likely them."

He kept walking through the forest, doing his best to not even think about everything he knew of this person. How they had chased her, probably killed her. How she had been sleeping for 150 years, how G.U.N would be pleased if Shadow returned with her body, even though it wasn't a part of the mission. The Commander would be happy to have finally finished a goal the HQ had tried achieving for over a century.

He couldn't tell her that people would most likely be out to kill her, to take the Crescent Life Source. In fact, he wanted to know why it would be a bad thing.

"So, what does that thing do again?" He asked, ears twitching as he listened for any other sound.

"I already told you... It creates life and can.. Destroy it..." (Y/N) mumbled, hugging the gold moon close to her chest.

"Yes, but surely there is more information, how does it work?"

"I... I don't know..." She admitted quietly, "It just... Does..."

The hedgehog raised a brow, turning his gaze to the gold-flecked Mobian, "You don't know how it works, yet you protect it anyway?"

"If anyone does find out how it works, they could destroy the world as we know it." She said defensively, "Do you know how it works?"

Shadow frowned, before turning his gaze back to the invisible path. He hated being shut down like that, so instead of pushing further, he decided to keep walking.

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