Chapter 21

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About an hour passed before Rouge came to. (Y/N) used that time to calm herself down, having been in tears over the fear of what was next, and then more tears when she realised what she had. Shadow offering a home to her, kissing her, it had been overwhelming. But now she was content, happy, even more determined to get this over and done with.

Her ears twitched as the bat stirred, letting out a groan and she started to sit up. Rouge gripped her side almost immediately, her ears laid back in pain and the (a/t)'s ears lowered as well. She walked over and crouched next to the other female, a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey." She said slowly, "How are you feeling?"

The bat jumped at first, but relaxed when she saw it was only (Y/N). She cracked a painfilled grin, shaking her head,

"Hun, I've taken a bullet to the side, I think I was better before I passed out, I couldn't feel it then."

"Adrenaline is a blessing sometimes." Shadow walked over, also crouching next to her, "Do you think you can move? We need to get out of here right now. G.U.N could be on their way right now."

The bat nodded, before trying to get up, "I'll have to either way, won't I?"

Shadow let out a huff, before helping her to her feet. The bat swayed, clinging onto Shadow's arm as she grimaced in pain. He waited patiently for her to get her bearings. Once she had, she gave him a thumbs up.

"Good, we should head out the way we come in. I may have a Chaos Emerald now, but as Tails mentioned earlier, the energy surrounding this place could affect how my Chaos Control works. I don't want to risk anything."

(Y/N) nodded, before wrapping her arm around Rouge's side, "What are we waiting for then? Lets go."

The three Mobians, now content with hiding the Golden Moon, set off through the temple again. For once, Shadow was grateful they had sprung a few of the traps, it was a lot easier to walk around a giant boulder when it wasn't moving, and not having to worry.

Of course they still had to dodge the spears, evade the snakes and keep an eye out for axes. The rooms where they hadn't triggered anything were even more dangerous now as well, since they didn't know what they were looking out for, and the room was in reverse. Where should they stand?

Rouge was limping against (Y/N) as they walked, one eyes closed as she tried to focus on her footing. (Y/N) kept her eyes on her, making sure she didn't step anywhere or trigger any sort of trap. So far, so good.

Shadow himself was also trying not to trigger anything, though he couldn't help but continuously look back at his two partners. He was afraid they would get hurt, especially with Rouge in her condition, they wouldn't be able to move out of the way in time.

The hedgehog glanced back at them once again, watching as (Y/N) guided Rouge through the patterned tiles, and he couldn't help but smile. He had been right about the (a/t)'s worries, leaving the Golden Moon behind and having nowhere to go. And he was happy she had kissed him back, happy to have given her a way out, and helped her in her dilemma. There was no way he would abandon the (a/t) after all of this, they were far too close now. And that showed, as he worried over her safety.

Something below his foot moved, and he turned his attention to the dark tile as it sunk into the ground. The sound of gas being released made his ears twitch, and the hedgehog raised his ruby gaze to see a spark in the roof. He barely made it out of the way of the fireball as it blasted into the tiles below him. The heat from the flame caused the girls to stumble back, and Shadow managed to summersault over them and stop them from falling on any other darker tiles.

"Careful, this room's theme is fire." He said, though that was more than obvious by now as the flame in front of them slowly died down. The tile below was glowing red, a large crack through the centre.

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