Chapter 10

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The wind blew sand through the air, swirling around the blue sky as the dark hedgehog came to. Shadow let out a choked groan as he sat up, coughing up dry sand. His body was half covered in it, it was all through his ears and felt like it was coating his throat.

His head pounded, and the hedgehog held it in pain. What had happened? Why was he out here in the desert?

A shout cut through his ears, the sound of a terrified (a/t) struggling to break free.

"Shadow!" She had yelled as he fell asleep.


The hedgehog jumped to his feet, ignoring the spinning of the sand dunes. He took in the area, was the desert always this hilly? The wind had moved the sand, changing the landscape from what he last remembered it to be.

A fantastic cloaking device when hiding ruins.

Not so good for trying to find your way back.

Shadow grumbled to himself, rubbing his still sore head, which way was back, and... Where was back? He had no idea where he was going. What was he even doing?

(Y/N) flashed in his mind again. She sounded scared, concerned. Why?

"Shadow!" His ears twitched to someone else yelling his name. Rouge landed in front of him, her ears flopping forward in relief, "Oh thank Gods I found you..."

"Rouge." Shadow nodded, looking around, "What happened? Where is (Y/N)? And the Crescent Life Source?"

"You don't remember?" The white bat tilted her head, a look of worry in her eyes, "The Commander has them both. He took (Y/N) as prisoner, I heard he was going to interrogate her and you know what that means."

The dark hedgehog growled lowly. Of course he knew what that meant. He had to get to HQ and fast, before it was too late.

"Which way do we go?" He asked, walking past the bat and taking in the area again. The sandy hills were gradually being blown away, turning the landscape flat once again.

"Wait Shadow." Rouge followed after him, "What do you plan to do? They have the Crescent Life Source as well, they'll be in different locations, and once you get to one, HQ will know you're there."

"What are you saying?" Shadow glanced at her, a brow raised, "You better not be implying what I think you are."

The bat pouted, crossing her arms, "Sorry to be so predictable..."

"No, I will not choose between them. Both (Y/N) and the artefact are important, we either get both of them or die trying."

"Shadow, that's a suicide mission." Rouge nearly shouted, grabbing his arm, "You need to think about this. The moment they see you, the building will go into lock down, you won't get out."

"I will."

"No, you won't."

"I. Will." He glared at her now, and the bat cringed away, her ears laying flat against her head.

"Okay... But how..? You'll need a Chaos Emerald to get out of there. Last I checked, you left them in HQ for safe keeping."

"Sonic had a spare." The dark hedgehog stated, before fishing in his quills for the yellow gem. His eyes narrowed when he couldn't grasp it, before turning his back to the bat, "He had given me the yellow one, I had it hidden in my quills..."

"The Commander most likely took it then." Rouge sighed, rubbing her head, "He most likely took any weapon you had hidden in there."

"Including the burner phone." Shadow cursed, covering his eyes, "Which puts you on my side, you'll be a traitor to them as well."

It was silent for a moment, Shadow holding his head in his hands, trying to think of a plan. Rouge only watched him, worried the hedgehog could break soon.

"You know... I haven't seen you like this in... A long time." The bat said quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder, "When Molly..."

The hedgehog shook his head, before turning back to her, "I knew Molly, we had spent a lot of time together. I hardly know (Y/N), it's only been a few days."

"Then why are you so desperate to save her? What is her... Importance to you?" The she-bat's cyan eyes almost gleamed, "Don't tell me the Ultimate Lifeform has a crush on the girl."

"No. I couldn't..." Shadow shook his head, "I admit, I have grown to care for her. But that is all. I just want her safe."

Rouge nodded, offering a soft smile, "Well, what's the plan?"

The hedgehog thought for a moment, before lowering his head, "You go back to HQ, try to clear your name if it hasn't yet been tainted. I'll get (Y/N) and the Crescent Life Source out of there. I have to get them both."

"That's hardly a plan!"

"I can't ask you to put yourself in danger for me." Shadow sighed, "You're my friend Rouge, I don't want you in the line of fire, this is my fight, not yours."

The bat only smiled, setting her hands on her hips, "You know you can't stop me right? You seem so certain on saving (Y/N) AND getting this oh so powerful moon thing. Plus, it's like you've always said; If the world chooses to become my enemy... I will fight like I always have."

I'm so sorry this chapter is so... Short and shit, I didn't want to write it in my Writers Block phase but I also didn't want to delay any chapters from you guys. Plus, the more I wrote it, the more I realised there just wouldn't be a lot in this chapter...

Either way I hope you enjoyed it, and I promise it will get better!

Haven Out!!!

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