Chapter 19

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They had to be getting close. Shadow and (Y/N) had been walking for what seemed like forever, and the wind had only picked up the further they walked. Sand flew into their eyes, through their fur, blocking their path.

(Y/N) had her arms wrapped around her torso, leaning into the obstacle with sheer determination. Shadow had noticed her change in attitude after she learnt of her obtained power. She seemed more focused, like she really wanted to get the Golden Moon off her chest.

He assumed it was because that meant G.U.N would stop following them, as their attention would be on the artefact instead of them. Which was a very understanding call, after what they put her through.

Shadow himself wasn't feeling as determined as the (a/t) next to him did. The further they walked, the weaker he got; the chaos energy buzzing around the air made him feel sick, it overwhelmed him. The hedgehog was not a fan.

He was grateful for the inhibitor rings around his wrists keeping the energy coursing through him at bay, though they started to feel tight against him, as if they were going to break from the pressure. His fur felt like it was full of static, a strange feeling he had never felt before.

"Shadow...?" He could barely hear the other over the wind, she was a few feet behind him now, frozen in place.

He stopped and glanced back at her, the chaos energy was a distraction and that wasn't a good sign. He tilted his head at her, the (a/t)'s form starting to disappear as the sand surrounded them.

"What is it?" He asked, covering his mouth.

"It... Hurts..." (Y/N) let out a whine, she started again, finally taking her place next to him. When she raised her head, the hedgehog could see small scratches on her muzzle. The wind grew stronger, nearly blowing the two over, and the hedgehog gripped onto the (a/t)'s shoudlders.

"It's alright, we're nearly there. I promise." He said, before pulling her towards him, "Tails said this should all clear when we get to the ruins."

"I... Hope so..."

-So do I- Shadow thought, and they continued on their way.

Though both were starting to feel lost and out of luck. It was nearly impossible to see where they were going, and they had been heading in what they assumed was a straight line from when they started. For all they knew, they could have walked right past the ruins.

Shadow let out a shudder as a wave of energy suddenly collided with him, and the hedgehog stumbled back. (Y/N) grabbed onto his arm, only to follow after him and land in the sand. The two were panting, shivering and scratched up from the sand.

But... That wave...

"We're... Close..." Shadow mumbled, his entire body shook. Was it adrenaline, power? He couldn't tell.

"You're not okay." The (a/t) sat up, shading her face with her hand, "We should rest."

"We're close." The hedgehog said again, pulling her to her feet, "If we keep walking, we'll get out of this mess."

(Y/N) watched him with worried (e/c) eyes, before giving a curt nod and grasping his hand. The hedgehog gave a small smile, unable to stop it, and gave her hand a squeeze.

"Together?" She asked, turning her gaze back to in front of them.

"Together." He nodded, and they kept walking.

The wind seemed to be protesting, growing stronger and stronger. It felt like they were walking against an invisible wall, but the Mobians forced their way through the barrier, and the wind came to a halt.

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