Chapter 23

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(Y/N)'s screaming rang through the halls, echoing through the hidden G.U.N building, and finally reaching the ears of Shadow, Rouge and Tails. The three were all locked away in their respective cells; Tails at the far end cell , Rouge in the middle cell, and Shadow in the cell closes to the door.

All three had collars around their necks, stopping them from using any sort of ability they could, and Tails' communicator was across the room, along with anything else the kitsune or bat would have been able to use to escape. Shadow was also chained to the wall, stopping any form of movement from him, since he was also physically stronger than average.

The screaming seemed to echo in the room, causing all three Mobians to cringe away, their ears all pressed against their heads. Tails covers his head, tears threatening to fall down his fury white muzzle.

"How could they do that to her...? To anyone...?" He asked, his voice shaking.

"They'll be using Stanley." Rouge let out a sigh, resting her head on her hand, "That boy has a few screws loose, and lacks any empathy. He's our go too when we need to interrogate someone. He's also used for... Persuasion."

"That's horrible! (Y/N) did nothing wrong!" Tails yelled.

"I know hun, we know." The bat lowered her cyan gaze, before glancing at Shadow, "How are you holding up Shadow?"

The hedgehog didn't respond, only keeping his head lowered. The screaming slowly died down, and he seemed to relax. Hearing (Y/N) in pain was torture for him alone. Knowing she's in pain because of him, because he failed to protect her.

Rouge could see white sparks moving through his fur, and tilted her head in curiosity. Shadow didn't seem to mind them, or even take notice of them.

The (a/t)'s screaming started again, and he tenses up. Something has to be done. He can't let (Y/N) go through any more pain.

"Shadow-" Rouge was about to bring up the small flashes of light coming from his black fur, but his red gaze snapping up to her own cut her off immediately.

"We need to get out of here." The hedgehog growled, "We need to help (Y/N), we need to save her."

"But how?" Rouge asked, gripping onto the bars between their cages, "We're stuck here, none of us can use our powers."

Tails was now watching the two, he too could see the white static shining through Shadow's fur, and he too piped up.

"Uh... Shadow? I think you're full of static." He said, pointing to the other's fur.

Shadow looked up at the fox, giving him a slightly sceptical look, "Tails, now isn't the time for that. We need to escape. Use that big brain of yours and start thinking of a way out of here."

The fox huffed, pouting slightly, "I already have an idea. Look at your fur."

The hedgehog blinked, before turning his ruby gaze to his body. Tails was right, he had to be full of static, because he could see little white sparks of electricity moving through his fur. Why had he never seen this before?

Also, why hadn't the energy moved through the chains around him, normally if you touched metal with static electricity, not only would it zap you, but it would leave your body as well.

"When did you get that?" Rouge asked in confusion, "It can't be an ability, not with the collar on your neck."

"I... I don't know." The hedgehog stared at his body, wishing he could run his fingers through the fur and figure it out.

"Maybe it's chaos energy." The golden kitsune said with a tinge of excitement, "You had to walk through that chaos force field right? Maybe you absorbed some of the energy, and because of your inhabitor rings, you weren't completely overpowered with energy, while it also stored itself all over your body."

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