Chapter 18

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It was rocky, the wind currents strong and shaking the plane from side to side. Shadow laid flat against the Tornado's wing, his arm over and holding (Y/N) down as it dipped. The (a/t) let out a yell as it propelled towards the sandy dunes below.

"Tails!" Shadow yelled, his hands crackled with chaos energy.

"I'm trying!" The fox yelled back, he was straining to pull the plane upright, "This isn't exactly going to plan!"

"Just get us close to the ground, I'll take care of the rest." The hedgehog shielded his eyes from the wind, the dunes were right below them when Tails managed to swing the plane upright.

"I'll try!" The kitsune grit his teeth, his blue eyes looked around, trying to find the safest path to take.

"Sh-Shadow..." (Y/N) was shaking, her eyes closed tightly.

"Don't worry, I have a plan." He reassured, his grip on her tightened, "When I tell you to, I want you to let go of the plane."


"Just trust me, it won't be as bad as it sounds." He said, "Did you hear that Miles?"

"Yep." The fox nodded, though he didn't like it.

The plane dipped again, and everyone held on tightly. Once they were near the ground, Tails pulled up, one side of the wing hit a sand dune, throwing them off track and (Y/N) cried out. She gripped onto the wing though the force of the hit made her slip back. Shadow did his best to hold on, wrapping his hand under her arm to stop her from off.

"Easy fox!" He barked, before his eyes rose to see them heading straight for another dune.

"I'm trying!" Tails yelled, his ears had pinned back as he pulled his hands from the wheel, "Now!"

Shadow nodded and reached over the wing with his spare hand, gripping onto the twin-tailed fox's shoulder. He closed his eyes, remembered the emerald hidden in his quills, before chaos controlling them off the plane.

A wave of energy passed through the hedgehog as they teleported, and the next thing he knew, he was on the ground.

"Shadow? Shadow wake up!" A worried (Y/N) was yelling.

The hedgehog let out a groan, before feeling his head shaking. He reached up and grabbed onto whatever was shaking him and it stopped immediately.


"You passed out. When you did that thing with the white light you... I didn't know what had happened." She sat back, her shoulders sagging in relief; though she shook slightly.

"Are you okay..?" Shadow said, he sat up slowly. A pounding started to appear in his head and he let out a groan, holding it.

"I'm fine. Are you?" The (a/t) tilted her head, "Tails said you may have overloaded with chaos power when you used the white light. I don't know what that means but it sounds painful."

"I can feel it now... But I'll be fine." The hedgehog rubbed his head, before focusing on their scenery, "Where is Tails?"

"He went to find the plane, he hasn't come back yet."

"We should go find him then." He stood slowly, dusting sand from his fur, "Our equipment is on that plane, we won't be able to do anything without it."

"Alright, are you sure?"

A smile pulled at his muzzle, "Yes (Y/N), I'm sure."

The (a/t) gave a nod, before turning her head, "He went that way."

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