Chapter 17

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A/N: Not gonna lie, I'm glad I wrote this chapter last weekend, otherwise I wouldn't have anything to upload today ^^' I've started a new job and it's overly stressful and frankly I hate it. Don't worry, I'm working on finding a better job, but until then I wish to apologize if my writing turns shitty or I don't update.

But for now, enjoy the story!!!

The journey was insanely windy, as to be expected when on a plane. Shadow was crouching on the middle of the plane's wings, while (Y/N) had taken the seat behind Tails. Sonic had insisted on coming with them, but the darker hedgehog managed to convince him to stay behind, in case G.U.N came knocking at their door again.

The flight was a long one, (Y/N) grew bored quickly, looking around and trying to see Mobius below them. She was rather fidgety as well, she hadn't said much since the plane took off. Though she hadn't really said much once they arrived at Sonic's either.

The (a/t) was worried about Shadow, the sudden urgencies to talk to everyone but her made her feel uneasy. Was he talking about her behind her back? And why?

Her thought kept getting the better of her, especially during the flight, and she kept having to snap out of her wandering mind. Holding the Golden Moon close was her only comfort at the moment, and even that didn't feel right since its power was lacking. She still didn't know why, and it added to her worries.

Shadow glanced back at her from the wings of the plane. Seeing her so zoned out had him worried. What was she thinking about? He let out a sigh, before pressing a button on an earpiece in his ear,

"Keep the plane steady Tails, I'm going to move about."

"Roger that." Tails said back, and the hedgehog stood.

After a quick stretch, he climbed down to the seats, crouching in front of the (a/t). It took a moment, but when she realised he was there, she jumped. Her cheeks turned red and she gave a small smile. She was currently wearing aviator goggles to protect her eyes from the wind, and she too had an earpiece.

Shadow gave a small smile in return, before pressing a finger to his ear,

"Ever been in a plane before?" He asked. She shook her head, "Do you know how to use these things?"

He pointed to his ear, and she shook her head again. He held his hand out, as if offering to help her and she took it. The hedgehog led her hand to her ear, she could feel the strange metal object and a button was suddenly under her fingers.

"Press this, Tails and I will be able to hear you when you talk." Shadow said, "Give it a try."

She pressed the button, "Isn't standing there dangerous?"

He let out a chuckle, before standing, now towering over her, "Want to join me? You look a little bored."

"Is it safe?"

"Would I be doing it if it wasn't?"


The dark Mobian watched her, before once again holding his hand out, "We need to talk, join me on the wings, it's a lot sturdier for me to stand there than here."

The (a/t)'s chest felt tight. They needed to talk? About what?

She hesitated, before finally taking his hand. Shadow carefully helped her stand and led her out of the seat, before then leading her up to the wings. (Y/N) shook in the wind, crouched low as they both sat on the top of the plane.

"Are you alright?" Shadow asked, tilting his head, "Not a fan of heights?"

"I've... Never been so high up... What if we fall..."

"We won't fall." Tail's voice was suddenly in their ears, "You're with the best pilot in Mobius, you're as safe as can be."

She nodded, but the (a/t) was clearly trying to cling onto the wing of the plane. Shadow let out a sigh, before wrapping an arm around her and keeping her planted on the wing,

"You'll be alright, I've got you. Okay?"

"O-Okay..." She nodded, though her gaze was still staring out into the distance.

"We need to talk about the Golden Moon." Shadow said next, and her ears perked, "I think I know why it's power has disappeared. I've had the thought for a while but I wasn't sure. I had to confirm with Rouge and Tails that it wasn't stupid or entirely crazy."

(Y/N) faced him, her eyes searching his for an answer, "Why is it so... Powerless?"

"I have a theory; we'll find out when we land. But it has to do with you." He said.

It has to do with her? Then why didn't Shadow tell her that? A frown appeared on her muzzle and she crossed her arms, leaning her head on them. Could he not trust her that much? Rouge had to be lying about his feelings, especially if he won't tell her something that could be important.

Shadow noticed (Y/N)'s sudden change in demeanour, and he cleared his throat,

"Anyway, I have an idea that you've actually absorbed the energy from the Golden Moon. That's why it isn't radiating with power anymore, because it has no power. You have it now."

"That doesn't make sense." She said, in a slightly snappy tone.

"It does. I saw it happen with my own eyes. And since then... I've noticed your eyes have flecks of gold in them. They didn't before I saw it happen."

The (a/t)'s cheeks reddened slightly. This hedgehog was beyond confusing.

"I saw its power surround you and seep into your fur." The hedgehog went on, "I didn't know if I was seeing things at the time, but then the artefact just lost all signs of energy? I put two and two together, and it makes sense. I just... Don't know what that means for you."

"So you're saying I'm now the Golden Moon?"

"In a way..."

"And why didn't you tell me this beforehand?!"

"I didn't want many people to know. The less that knew, the better. As it is, only Rouge, Tails, you and I know. Not even Sonic is aware of what's happened."


So he kept it a secret from everyone?

"I only told Rouge this morning, before we left. And she told me to console with Tails."

"It is possible you have gained the power, but I'm not sure what that means." Tails cut into the conversation, "When we land, I'll be performing some tests on you to see what it is that has changed, if you don't mind."

"Please do..." (Y/N)'s ears lowered. What could this mean for her? She'd never really thought about the powers the Golden Moon really possessed, just that it held all life and had to be protected. What of that power now that it was inside her?

Shadow's arm around her tightened, as if offering comfort.

"Everything will be fine, I promise." The hedgehog said.

Suddenly, the plane shook and the two slid across the wings. (Y/N) let out a yelp and clung onto Shadow as he gripped onto the metal.

"That's not keeping it steady Tails..." He grumbled.

"Sorry! The chaos energy readings just went through the roof! I think we're close." The yellow kitsune yelled, "I'm going to have to land, it's getting hard to control the Tornado with all this energy around."

"Then land!" The dark hedgehog barked, keeping the (a/t) close to him, "Just hold on."

"Crap!" Tails yelled, and the plane swerved to the side, wavering in the air, "I'm losing control! We're going to have to make a crash landing!"

(Y/N) was shaking, "C-Crash landing?!"

"Hold on everyone!" The fox yelled, and the plane started to dip.

Didn't know where to cut it off, so here seemed pretty good :3 Hope you enjoyed!

Haven Out!!!

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