Chapter 25

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The two Mobians managed to move their friends into the forest close to the hidden G.U.N building. (Y/N) carefully rested Shadow against another tree as Tails did the same for Rouge. Once he had set the bat down, the kitsune then got into contact with Sonic, before he unwrapped her wound and, looking rather pale, started doing his best to clean it.

Shadow let out a groan as (Y/N) set him down, "You should run... Before they... Come and capture everyone again..."

The (a/t)'s ears perked, and she lifted her gaze to his dull red eyes, "No, no way am I leaving you here. I'm going to help you."

She then turns her attention to the bullet wound, it was to the left side of his chest, and the (a/t) knew that's where the heart was located. But had the bullet struck his heart? Or had it just missed him?

His hand moved slowly, gripping onto her arm gently, "(Y/N)... It's too late for me... You and I both know I.. I..."

He coughed, blood dripping from his mouth, and the (a/t) flinched in response. No, no way would she take this stubbornness right now. She can't. The hedgehog had to catch his breath, leaning his head back as he gasped.

"I can feel... I feel myself slipping..." He finally rasped out, leaning his head back, "Just go... F...Forget about... Me..."

Finally, the tears the (a/t) had been fighting to keep back started to fall, "No... I could never forget... Shadow, you changed my life, made it better. I can't forget about you. That's why I'm going to help you. I'll find a way to help you."

A small smile appeared on his muzzle and he gently cupped her cheeks, "I love you."

"And I love you too." The (a/t) sniffled, before the hedgehog pulled her into a kiss. She kissed back, wrapping her arms around the hedgehog's neck. There was something to it, something lingering. Like a goodbye, a desperate attempt to show true feelings.

It was a feeling of longing, wishing there could have been more, more time, more adventures, more... Everything. This was Shadow's way of showing what the (a/t) meant to him, and she hated it, he shouldn't have to do this.

Vines started to grow up from below them, slowly making their way over Shadow's legs and encasing his lower body. (Y/N) pulled away, watching as they slowly made their way over his stomach and she wasn't sure if she was doing that, of if the forest was once again protecting it's saviour. Either way, she was hopefully.

"The vines should help you, they helped me." She said, the hope stringing her voice, "They'll save you like they saved me."

Shadow only gave a weak chuckle, "(Y/N), they aren't... Moving fast enough..."

"Yes they are! Just hold on, please." The (a/t) sounded desperate, no way could she give up now, "Hang on a little longer, you'll see. You'll be fine!"

She pressed her hands into the ground, closing her eyes. The sound of the vines speeding up filled her ears, and the feeling of power flooding through her arms made her dizzy. Whether she was the original cause or not, she had to help.

"Just let... Me... Hold you..." The hedgehog asked, ignoring the ever-growing greenery, "Please..."

The she-(a/t)'s ears lowered, and she gave a nod, slowly pulling her hands away from the ground and wrapping her arms around the hedgehog tightly. She could feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest as he returned the hug, pulling her against him tightly. The feeling of departure lingered in the hug, and it made the (a/t) cry harder.

"I'm just glad... You're okay..." The hedgehog mumbled, nuzzling into her shoulder weakly, "If only... I could have spent... More time with you..."

"You can. You can spend all the time in the world with me. Just hang in there, please." (Y/N)'s vision was blurry, but she saw Shadow's body shudder.

"M-Maria..." He mumbled, and then his head laid back against the tree, his ruby eyes disappearing as he closed them.

His chest didn't move, his breathing had stopped. The (a/t) was frozen, waiting for him to come to, for him to move and say it was a joke. But no, Shadow wasn't like that, he would never joke like that.

She shook him gently, "Sh-Shadow...?"

He didn't respond, the forest was dead silent as she waited for him to open his eyes and tell her everything was alright. She let out a sob, shaking him harder,

"Shadow! Wake up! Please!" She leant into his chest, crying loudly and hugging his torso. His heart wasn't beating anymore, the wound had stopped bleeding.

She wished she could have healed him, the way he had healed her. She wished the vines had been faster, why couldn't they have moved faster? They finally started to cover his chest, wrapping around his shoulders, and forcing the (a/t) to let him go.

A hand rested on her shoulder, and she raised her gaze slowly. Sonic was staring down at her, his emerald eyes also teary. Had he seen what just happened? He must have, why else would he be sad?

"We should go." He said softly, offering his hand to help her stand, "There's nothing we can do for him. I'm sorry."

(Y/N) turned her gaze back to Shadow's body. It looked like he was sleeping, like he could wake up at any moment. She wished she could wake up, wished this was just a horrid dream. Slowly, she took Sonic's hand, and he pulled her to her feet. Her knees shook, and she nearly fell over, but the hedgehog caught her.

"Tails has already helped Rouge, he took her back to his workshop after I arrived, he didn't want her to see... You know."

"I-I don't... I don't..." The (a/t)'s eyes were glued to Shadow's body, "I don't w-want to... L-Leave-eave him he-e-re..."

"He's in the best place he could be right now." The hedgehog picked her up, "The vines will protect him, okay? We can come back later and..."

He never finished the sentence, instead he found himself rubbing the (a/t)'s back as she cried into his shoulder. Sonic had never lost anyone this close to him, he wished he could help her, but all he could do right now was take her away from the pain.

"We need to get out of here before someone shows up." He said, "But don't worry, the fighting's over now. I promise, it's over."

As he started walking off, (Y/N) glanced back at the tree to see the vines fully encase Shadow's head, enveloping his body completely, and all she could do was cry harder. Her chest ached, it felt like she too had been shot.

But Sonic was right, the fighting was over. If only Shadow knew that, if only he was here right now.

Oof, sorry, this one wasn't meant to be so short but... Well it is I guess, I couldn't string it out any longer. But still, I hope you enjoyed it! I'll see you next week for the final chapter of Guardian Of The Forest (A Shadow X Reader Fanfiction)!

Haven Out!!!

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