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~A Week Later~

All of Mobius knew what had happened. G.U.N's secrets were spilled over the cause of the Commander's death. Rouge had recovered rather quickly, and (Y/N) envied her for it. She had also taken over as the new Commander for G.U.N. and had cleared up the story for anyone that tried to stick their noses in.

The story for the Guardian of the Forest and Shadow the Hedgehog teaming up to save the planet was soon circling cities, towns and even villages. But every time she heard his name, (Y/N) recoiled in pain.

It had been a week since the fighting stopped. A week since the Commander was shot through the head. A week since Shadow died. But it had felt like forever. The days blurred together for the distraught (a/t), and she had no idea how she'd be able to continue on in this overdeveloped world.

Her friends had been there for her, both Sonic and Tails, and Rouge having offered her a place to stay while they eased her into the new world. She had accepted Rouge's offer, and currently slept on her couch.

A lot of the week, she cried herself to sleep. She blamed herself for Shadow's death. Had she been better, had she been faster, maybe he'd be with her today. Maybe he'd be hugging her and telling her it was alright, maybe there wouldn't be this heartache at all.

Tomorrow was a special day though, for Rouge had planned a ceremony for the dark hedgehog hero. It was her way of thanking him personally and publicly, a way to pay respect to him. She had sent out invitations to all her friends and had purposefully made sure to personally invite (Y/N) in person.

"I think he'd want you to be there." The bat had given the (a/t) a small, wavering smile, "Everyone will be there, for him and for you."

"Thanks Rouge..." (Y/N) mumbled, though she didn't lift her gaze from the glass coffee table, "I'll think about it..."

The bat only nodded, before giving the (a/t) a hug and leaving the small apartment. (Y/N) closed her eyes and leant into the hug, but didn't return it. Her ears pressed against her head, and she laid her head on the small table. They hadn't even gone back to get his body. The others didn't want to do it without the she-(a/t), and she had refused to go.

At first the red echidna, she couldn't remember his name, was furious with her lack of wanting to help, but both Rouge, Sonic and Tails had all jumped to her defence. They explained she had been there when he died, and they explained that he was wrapped up in vines, that he'll be okay for a while.

Tears started to run down the (a/t)'s muzzle, and she wrapped her arms around her head. Was she a bad person for leaving him there for so long? Was she a horrible person for pushing all his friends away when she knew they wanted to help her? Rouge was the only one she would talk to, having known Shadow the best. The others had tried, but she barely responded.

It was just so hard. So much had happened in such a little amount of time. She woke up, found out she was 150 years old, her family was gone. And then she fell in love with the Ultimate Lifeform -As Sonic called him at some point-, only for him to be shot and die in front of her.

Was it some sort of curse? If she fell in love again, would that person die as well?

No, no way would she fall for another. Shadow was all that was on her mind, and she had no idea if she'd ever recover from him.

Hours passed, and soon it was night. She only knew because of the clock across from her. Rouge had explained that 'PM' meant evening, and since it was 9pm, it was dark outside. She hardly left Rouge's apartment.

Perhaps she should sleep, since the ceremony was tomorrow. She should go, instead of closing herself off. She should welcome Shadow's friends. Though as she looked down at her tattered 150-year-old clothing, she realised she couldn't go dressed like this.

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