Chapter 8

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(Y/N) stirred in her sleep, trying to shift or roll over however unable to due to the vines around her stomach. The lack of movability caused her to open her eyes, flinching at the bright flashes of light that cascaded through the canopy of leaves above them.

Wait, leaves?

The (a/t) rubbed her eyes, before opening them again and looking around. She was resting against a tree, the grass around her had grown, almost hiding her from sight. She turned her gaze to the vines wrapped around her, and a flash of memory came into mind.

She had been injured, shot by the people that were chasing them. They had attacked Sonic's house, and Shadow had gotten them both out of there, leaving the other two to fight.

(Y/N) didn't remember much after that, instead all she remembered was feeling cold, and then warm, and then cold again.

How bad was the wound? Was she going to be okay? Clearly she had survived, otherwise she wouldn't be awake now, but as she pulled at the vines she noted there was no pain. Once they snapped away, she checked her side to find the bullet on the ground next to her, a shiny silver coloured vessel that had been crushed by the vines.

"You're awake." The (a/t) jumped at Shadow's voice, turning to face him. He stood in front of her, holding that small flip phone in his hand. Had he made another call to his mysterious friend Rouge? What had he told her? And where was the Crescent Moon?

She sighed to herself, was that even what it was called? There had been so many names used...

The hedgehog knelt in front of her, snapping her out of her small thoughts. He then reached over and lightly touched her side, his eyes checking for the wound.

"It's gone." He said, almost sounding surprised, "How?"

"I think the forest healed me..." The (a/t) mumbled slightly, looking at the grass. She picked up the damaged bullet and showed him, "It's happened before... 150 years ago... When they were chasing me, they shot me then, and the forest had saved my life."

"So it protects you as long as you're protecting the Crescent Life Source?" Shadow asked, tilting his head.

"It looks like it." She nodded, "I'm... Still new to this... Being awake and... In the future... I don't know what is what..."

"That's okay." Shadow sat down, fishing around in his quills, "I was just fetching it actually, we were in such a rush last night that I left it in Tails' workshop. We're lucky he has a secret compartment to hide valuables."

He pulled out the powerful artefact, handing it to the (a/t), and for the first time she felt it's power surge through her body. Her eyes glowed a bright gold as she hugged it close, relieved to have it safe in her arms again.

Shadow watched as the golden glow disappeared, looking as if it was seeping into the golden fleck on the (a/t)'s fur/feathers. When she opened her eyes and looked at him, he saw their (e/c) colour, bright and happy, along with smaller flecks of gold. He hadn't noticed the gold before, but they seemed to add a beauty to the (a/t)'s shining eyes. A small smile pulled at his lips, and he held his head to hide it.

"So I went back to the house, Sonic and Tails are okay. They were able to convince the Commander they had no idea we were 'bad', and the agents did a sweep of their house and workshop. Again we're very lucky Tails is prepared for these situations. Otherwise we would have lost the artefact."

(Y/N) nodded slowly, "Now what?"

"Well, I also gave Tails the number for this." The dark hedgehog held up the phone, "So as soon as he has more information on the ruins, he'll call and let us know."

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