Chapter 1

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"That was definitely the best mission I've ever been on."

"Yes, but it still doesn't explain what has happened to all those missing soldiers."

"Oh lighten up Shadow, I'm sure the Commander will call you if it's anything serious."

Rouge the Bat and Shadow the hedgehog were sitting in the locker room of their G.U.N headquarters, having just come back from a previous mission. The buzz from the fighting had the bat on an adrenaline high as she cleaned her weapons and gadgets before storing them away.

"It just doesn't make sense, how could that many soldiers go missing within a few days?" The dark hedgehog grumbled, wiping a pistol clean, "The Commander needs to get his head out of his ass and actually look into the problem."

Rouge only smiled at his bluntness, "I really do love after-mission Shadow, always talking whether or not he's in a bad mood."

Shadow turned a glare towards her, "It could be serious."

"And if it was, the Commander would call you. I did just say that." The white bat chuckled, "Really hun, you just got off a mission, just try to relax."

The hedgehog only shook his head, before putting his weapons away. He glanced around the large locker room, taking in the vast emptiness and the silence. Something he normally enjoyed.

"There is literally no one here."

"It's after 6, the agents without missions are home resting and the others are busy doing whatever it is they were sent out to do." Rouge sighed, before turning to him, "I take back what I said earlier, there is no way you're going to relax is there?"

"Not necessarily."

The she-bat only let out a breathy laugh, before her large ears twitched. A loud whine came from the speakers set up in the corners of the room, and a gruff voice spoke through them.

"Shadow the Hedgehog. Rouge the Bat. Report to the Commander's office immediately."

The speakers cut off and the teammates shared a glance.

"He'd give a call if it was important huh?" The dark hedgehog stated with mocked irony.

"Hey, I wasn't wrong." The bat shrugged, "But I guess we better go see what that old man wants, it could just be to praise us for our amazing performance as a team."

Shadow rolled his eyes, before walking out of the locker room and down the hall. Rouge followed him close behind, and the silence of the HQ started to get to her.

"Wow, there must be a lot of jobs to do if no one is training in the shooting-range." She stated, glancing at the empty training rooms as they walked.

"Or there are agents in trouble." Shadow stated matter-of-factly.

"Not everything has to be so negative you know, hun."

They reached the main officer, giving a nod to the receptionist. The mouse gave them a smile, before opening the door for them with the press of a button.

"A new girl huh?" Rouge mumbled as they walked into the room, "I wonder what happened to Jeremy."

"Agent Shadow, Agent Rouge." The two stopped in front of a large wooden desk, a human sitting behind it with a permanent frown. His gold and green eyes swept over the two Mobians before him and he sat up slowly, "Glad you could make it."

"What's the problem Commander?" Shadow asked.

"Well I may as well get straight to the point." The older man stated, before standing, "For over a century our organisation has been hunting for a special artefact known as the Crescent Life Source. CLS for short. It's a powerful object that, as far as we can tell, can manipulate life itself. It's dangerous and we wish to find it and lock it away, so that it stays out of the wrong hands."

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