Chapter 2

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It was mid-morning by the time Shadow was able to leave HQ and head out on his mission. He had wanted to leave earlier, but Rouge and the Commander both kept him too occupied, filling him in with information or trying to talk him out of the 'solo' part of the mission.

He had finally been able to distract Rouge with a chaos emerald, giving him the chance to slip out and head towards the location of the Crescent Life Source. It didn't take him long to reach the edge of the forest, the capacity of the trees making it look near impossible to walk through. He only huffed to himself as he entered the greenery.

A voice made his ear twitch uncomfortably, as his earpiece shifted, and Rouge was talking to him,

"I am NOT going to forget that..." She mumbled, before letting out a sigh, "Hey Shadow."

"Rouge." He stated, eyes scanning the area, "Don't bother me."

"I have every intention of bothering you." She retaliated, "The Commander has put me in charge of messenger, I tell you things, and you use me to tell our good old boss things."

The hedgehog shook his head, "Of course, I'm not allowed any quiet missions."

"Since when is a mission quiet?" The bat chuckled lightly into his ear, "Now you should have the location of the CLS on your communicator."

Shadow lifted his wrist, a band of technology let out a beep and a map opened in front of his eyes. His location was a red dot, the artefact he was after was gold, and on the other side of the map.

"Right, got it."

"Just head straight towards the gold dot, and you should be all good."

The dark hedgehog let out a nod, before he continued to walk through the trees. The further he walked, the darker the scenery got. He noticed, if he looked hard enough, that there seemed to be a messy path in front of him, small flecks of gold were imbedded in the dirt, in the bushery, in the trees.

He wondered if he should say anything about it, but was quick to shrug it off. Although it was weird and made no sense, he was sure it wouldn't be too important. But the more he tried to ignore the shining flecks, the more he felt the urge to examine the.

-Strange... I feel almost drawn to the gold...- He thought to himself, -Maybe it's just mobanity (humanity but Mobians) rubbing off on me...-

The hedgehog shook his head, no way would he let such greedy motions influence him in such a way. Finally, he came across a thick set of trees, the communicator on his wrist beeping loudly.

"This must be it..." He stated, taking in the scenery.

"Right, now be careful." Rouge said through the earpiece, "This is where we lose contact. Stay out of trouble, if anything happens, we can't help you."

Shadow studied the thicket before him. There was no way anyone could see through, it was just tree after tree. The hedgehog huffed to himself as he walked up to the bark, before attempting to force his way between the trunks. However, no such luck, it was too tight.

The Ultimate Lifeform took a step back, his hands sparking with energy,

"Fine... I'll do it the uncomplicated way then."

With a lout crack of electricity, he threw what was known as a Chaos Spear into the cluster of trees. A large hole was blown into the trees and a wind picked up.


"Huh?" He looked around, ears twitching.


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