Chapter 7

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"I can't believe you'd fuck up like that." Shadow's voice was stone cold, his red gaze cold towards the blue hedgehog. He had just returned with (Y/N), the (a/t) was silent in his arms, sniffling now and then.

"I-I'm really sorry Shadz, I mean it." Sonic rubbed his head, his ears had lowered and he had a bruise swelling on his muzzle, "I didn't mean to say anything."

"But you did." The darker hedgehog spat, walking into the house.

"What happened?" Tails asked, rushing over, "I was examining the Crescent Life Source and then Shadow bolted out of the workshop."

The kitsune turned his head between the two hedgehogs, taking in the bruise on Sonic's cheek and a silent (a/t) he sighed.


"It was an accident!" The hedgehog protested, "I didn't mean to upset her."

He frowned slightly as Tails shook his head, before turning his attention to the other two. Shadow was sitting on the couch, still holding the (a/t). He debating whether he should put her down, or whether he should... Comfort her?

How would he do that? How could he do that?

(Y/N) hadn't said anything since he had found her wrapped in those tree roots, not even a peep as they lifted her to him. He was still trying to understand the tree roots moving to start with, but that wasn't important right now.

He couldn't have (Y/N) distracted while they tried planning their next move, one mistake and both could end up dead. This wasn't going to help in any case, and to say he wanted to punch Sonic again was an understatement.

"Look..." Tails sighed, "We'll leave you two alone okay? Shadow has a lot of explaining to do."

"Why doesn't Sonic just finish it off?" Shadow huffed.

"Because, Sonic is going to be cooking dinner for everyone." Tails said, "That's enough punishment, trust me."

Sonic was about to protest again, but the golden kitsune flew up, grabbed his ear, and dragged the blue blur out of the room. After Sonic's complaining died down, Shadow sat the (a/t) next to him. She had her head lowered, her (h/c) hair fell over her face.

"Do you... Have any questions...?" Shadow asked slowly, he had no idea how to even start this sort of conversation.

"My family..." She finally muttered, "Where is my family...?"

"(Y/N)..." Shadow sighed, "It has been 150 years since you were shot down, I don't believe they are..."

"No!" The (a/t) snapped, turning to him. Tears made her (e/c) eyes shine, "They have to be alive! They can't be gone! I want to go home!"

"Your home is gone, it's either ruins or a city now." Shadow stated, probably a little too coldly, "Your family won't be here anymore, I'm sorry."

"No..." She covered her face, "I didn't... I-I couldn't say..."

"Goodbye.." Shadow sighed, closing his eyes, "I know how that feels, I'm sorry..."

The (a/t) sat there silently, her head still in her hands. How would he know how this feels? She didn't know much about him, had he been through something similar? Slowly, she raised her gaze and looked at him,

"Who was it..?"

"What?" Shadow asked.

"Who couldn't you say goodbye to?"

The hedgehog's features darkened and he looked away, "Someone. I'm not talking about that right now. Will you be fine? Tails and I are thinking of ideas for this Crescent Life Source. We need you to be fully focused."

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